Chapter 26

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***Note*** We are now at New Vulcan, and Kirk's brother arrives.

Chapter Twenty-six

Point five hours later found the USS Enterprise parked in orbit of New Vulcan along with the USS Delta. Scotty was seated in the Captain's chair, talking to the Captain of the Delta. "Capt'n McNott, we are ready for ya ta beam Doctor Kirk over at yer earliest convenience."

"Thank you, Commander Scott. Doctor Kirk will be beamed over in point two-three hours along with his family. He brought them along as well."

"Tha's fine. We'll just adjust the quarters we hav' given him. I will have the transporter room on standby. "

"Along with Doctor Kirk and his family, there will be two assistants coming as well. We will hail you before we beam them over. Captain McNott out." The screen blacked out. Scotty leaned back into the chair.

"Hav' the Ambassador and his party beamed down to the planet yet?"

"The Ambassador and his wife are still aboard the ship, the rest of the party beamed down as soon as we reached the planet."

"Thank ye. Notify Doctor McCoy tha' as soon as tha party from tha Delta beams over; we will need to send them all down ta tha planet. Let him know tha' it is at tha request of Command and tha Vulcan council."

"Yes, sir." Uhura relayed the information down to sickbay. She turned back around to Scotty. "He has replied that understood and that he has not let the Captain or Commander know who the scientists are, as Admiral Pike requested. He does feel it might be wise to have some additional security on hand for when they do find out."

"Aye, Uhura. Please let security kna'" Scotty rubbed his temple. This was not going to go over well, especially as the Vulcan's while normally protective over their mates, Spock due to the changes was even more so. He couldn't wait for it to be over, so he could get to work on the retrofitting to the ship. His and Leonard's quarters were to be done as well.


Scotty and Carol Marcus were in the transporter room waiting for the group from the Delta to be beamed over. The transporter pad lite up, and when down, there stood two adults and three children. "Doctor Kirk?"

"Yes, and you are Commander Scott?"

"Aye, this be Doctor Marcus." They all shook hands.

"This is my family, Aurelan, Peter, Alexander, and Julius. The assistants, provided by Starfleet, should be here soon." Scotty and Carol shook Aurelian's hand as the children hid behind their parents. Just then, the pad lite up again as the assistants beamed over. The two men stepped down and walked over to the group.

"Commander Scott?" one asked.

"Aye, I'm Commander Scott."

"Lieutenant's Bremmer and Ashford, sir. We are the assistants sent for Doctor's Kirk and Marcus."

"Good, we have beamed the needed equipment down ta tha planet. We will be sending you down immediately to get everything ready for when we beamed the rest of the staff and the patients down. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." They both saluted and walked back onto the transporter pad. The Lieutenant working the pad punched in the new coordinates and sent them down to the planet.

"If ya will folla me?" Scotty led them from the room and down the hall to the nearest conference room. They went in and took seats, a few minutes later, Doctor McCoy walked in with a padd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," he greeted them.

"Doctor." He sat down next to Scotty, and the meeting got underway.

"Now, onto business. Captain Kirk and Commander Spock, along with the other four men do that they will have scientists poking and prodding them. They, however, do not know who those scientists are." Here McCoy stopped and looked directly at Doctor Kirk.

"So, he doesn't know that his brother was tasked with this assignment?"

"No, he doesn't. I am warning you because Commander Spock is very protective and extremely territorial of the Captain. How much of this were you told?"

"I was told that my brother and the Commander were taken and experimented on by the Excalbians. They did not tell me exactly what the experimentation was about."

"Damn fools. Your brother was genetically altered along with Commander Spock and the two Romulans and Klingons. They created three mated pairs. Commander Spock and Captain Kirk, Captain Kor and First Officer Suran, and Captain Merrok and First Officer Korath." Here McCoy handed the padd to Doctor Kirk. He skimmed through the information, and his eyebrows rose towards his hairline.

"They're pregnant?" he exclaimed. "How is that possible?"

"That is the kicker; we don't know. Doctor Marcus, M'Benga, and I have been on this since they returned to the ship. There are some at Starfleet that are trying to get Jim kicked out. Will you help us protect him by keeping your eyes and ears open?"

"We may not have had the best relationship, but he is my little brother. I am not too sure about the assistants that were assigned to this by Starfleet. We will have to keep a close eye on them. I don't think we have to worry about the Vulcans."

McCoy smirked, "No, we don't as they now consider Jim one of them since he mated to Spock."

"Well, that will make it easier. Are we letting them know before beaming down or waiting until they are planetside so he can't escape?"

"Waiting until we are planetside. I have some sedative hypos ready along with security, so when he finds out, we can sedate Spock."

"Why the Commander?"

"Because he will not react well to anything, he perceives as a threat. Since Jim will probably react poorly to your being there, so will Spock, only he will react violently. He is very possessive and protective. So be prepared."

"Of course. I will have my family beam down as well, but after everything has calmed down. The kids will be excited to meet their Uncle."

"Good, we could use that as leverage if needed. We will beam down at 1600 hours. Be in the transporter room then."

"Can someone lead us to the mess hall? It is time for the kids' snack." Aurelan asked.

"O' course, Mrs. Kirk. I will hav' an ensign take ya." Scotty called for assistance, and an ensigned came and led the Kirk family away.

"This is not going to be pretty."

"Aye." Scotty nodded.

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