Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

McCoy groaned in pain as he rolled over. God, his ass hurt. Who knew that Scotty was packing such a prodigious package. And he knew how to use it in all the right ways. "Awake are we, Leonard." He pulled McCoy into his arms for a kiss.

"Mmmm" was his response.

"Lieutenant Commander Scotty,"

"Aye, Uhura,"

"We have reached New Vulcan; the Ambassador requested we beam him up in an hour. I am unable to reach Doctor McCoy to inform him as well."

"Nay need, Uhura. He is here with me."

"Very well, sir. What transporter room, sir?"

"Beam them up to room one. The Doc and I will be there ta greet them"

"As you wish. Uhura out."

"Did ya have to say I was here?" He groaned.

"Nay need to worry, they know we were ta do paperwork, and we haven't submitted what we did earlier yet. They'll think nothing of it."

"Hope you're right. Well, I better dress and go to my quarters to get ready. See you in transporter room one." He gave him a quick kiss before dressing and heading out.


Forty-five minutes later saw the two of them on their way to the transporter room to greet the Ambassadors party when they beam up. "They are ready, sirs."

"Energize, ensign."

A few minutes later, the first of the party beamed aboard, Ambassadors Sarek and Selek were the first off the transporter pad. Once it was clear, the remaining three were beamed up. "Greetings, Ambassadors Sarek and Selek," both me greeted them with the Ta'al.

"Greetings, Lieutenant Commander Scott and Doctor McCoy," Ambassador Sarek was the first to speak. Both he and Selek returned the Ta'al.

"If you wish, we can show you to your quarters, or we can go to the conference room to discuss the situation," McCoy said to them. "Greetings, Minister T'Pau."

"Greetings, I believe we should go to the conference room first. Once we have gone over the situation, then we can return to our rooms to meditate on what we have learned."

"If ya will folla me, please," Scotty said as he turned to the doors and headed down the hall to the conference room they had set up for this. They had everything there so they could go over it with the Ambassador and his party. He felt terrible for Spock's mother. Even though she was trying to hide it, you could tell she was taking his kidnapping hard. They entered the room, and he saw that refreshment had been laid out for them. Bless Lieutenant Rand. He really would need to talk to the Captain about a raise or commendation, for she had been extremely invaluable since this mess started. "Admiral Pike, sir."

"Commander Scott, Doctor McCoy, Ambassadors T'Pol, Sarek and Selek, and Minster T'Pau. I wish we were meeting under better circumstances,"

The Vulcans nodded to the Admiral. "Greetings, Admiral Pike."

"Would anyone need a drink?" asked Lieutenant Scott.

The Vulcans took seats, and Sarek spoke for them. "No, thank you, Lieutenant Commander Scott. We wish to get started on this."
"As ya wish, Ambassador." They looked to the screen that had Admiral Pike on it through subspace relay for the meeting. He nodded to them to proceed.

McCoy sat down and cleared his throat before starting the meeting. "As you can see, there is a pad at each of your seats. On it is all of the information, we have gathered so far. We're here for some small repairs to the ship that should only take the day. So the Captain gave us shore leave on Argelius II. The Captain and Commander beamed down to the planet at 0900. They went and checked in for their hovercar that they had rented for the day. At approximately 1615, when they had not reported back to the ship for their shift, we attempted to hail them. When there was no response from their communicators, we scanned for them, and when we locked on their communicator signal and had security officers beam down to the location. Security found hovercar keys, their communicators and phasers next to hovercar. There was no sign of them. They did find some strange material, so they sent samples to be looked at to the science labs."

He paused and looked at them to see if there were any questions from them before continuing. "We analyzed the substance and found that is was silicon and calcium carbonate. There is one species that we encountered with that combination, Excalbians. The only part of the problem is, and we confirmed this with Starfleet Command, they do not have any starships. As far as we know, they have not been in contact with any known species to Starfleet to gain access to stardrives or starships."

"We have confirmed this," said Admiral Pike.

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