Chapter 25

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***Note*** We are almost at New Vulcan. Surprise in this Chapter for all you Scotty and Leonard fans!

Chapter Twenty-five

Scott looked through his mail and noticed that right now, he was now a Commander, and there would be an official ceremony at a later date to officiate the elevation in rank. While he was pleased about a raise in rank, he was even more pleased with the request for them to retrofit Commander Spock's old quarters into a room for the babies and retrofit the Captains for two occupancies. Christmas had come early. And that was how McCoy found Scotty when he came out of the bathroom, sitting at his desk with his padd grinning from ear to ear.

"What has you so happy?" he asked as he dropped down to kiss him. He winced when he ass hit Scotty's lap, but could not get back up as his arm wrapped around his waist. Scotty smirked because he knew why Leonard had winced. They had gone at three times, and he would be plenty sore. Hell, it was amazing he could even talk, with how often he made him scream.

"I'm nowa Commander."

"Congrats," McCoy kissed him soundly. When he went to pull back, Scotty yanked him back for a deeper kiss. "Calm down there. You wore me out, and we both have a shift to get to."

"Damn, I could go fer another round."

"No time. So was that what had you grinning like a loon?"

"Naw, I get ta retrofit the Capt'n's and Commander's quarters."


"Aye, a wee babes room and a dual occupancy room."

"Wow, you will have fun there."

"Aye, I hav' had the plans for the Capt'n's room fer a while. Just wondered when they would get tagether."

"Pretty obvious to everyone but themselves."

"Aye. Leonard?"


"Will ya marry me?"


"Will ya marry me? I love ya and want ta stay with ya." Scotty swallowed hard as he looked at Leonard, waiting for an answer.

McCoy thought about it for a second and new, there was only one answer to give. "Yes!" And she wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him. "You better look like finding me a ring."

"Aye, love. Promise."

"Well, let's go. I will see you back here after our shifts."

"Aye, love."

"Oh and Scotty,"


"You better getting to designing our rooms and maybe a plan to the side for a children's room too."

Scotty's eyes lite up, and he shouted out, "Aye, aye." They left his quarters and headed for their duties. Both had a skip in their step as they headed their separate ways.


Scotty entered the bridge, whistling a cheerful tune. Sulu looked up from the padd he was working on when he entered. "You're cheerful this morning. Could it have something to do with that promotion or the chance to work on the ship?" he asked the Scotsman.

"Aye, that and a few other things. Uhura, can ya put a call out to Admiral Pike at Starfleet? I will take it in the Capt'n's ready room."

"Yes, Commander."

Scotty nodded to her and went into the ready room. He saluted when Pike's image came up on the screen. "Admiral, sir."


"I have some of the plans, ready sir, all that is left is the wee babes' room."

"Excellent, Commander. That was faster than I anticipated."

"I had the plan's fer a while on the Cap'n's rooms. Was just waiting fer the go-ahead."

Pike smirked, seems everyone, but those two knew how they felt for each other. "was there anything else you needed, Commander?"

"Aye, I wanted ta let ya know that Leonard accepted my proposal. Just as ya said, he would."

Pike snickered, "See, and you were worried. I will get the paperwork sent to you for the change in status. Once you are married, we'll get you two set up with new rooms."

"Aye, Leonard already told me ta start planning. Including a wee bairn's room."

"Has he? He must want his daughter to move to the ship with you."

"Aye, I hope. It'da be good fer him. Well, now, I better go. We are point five three hours from New Vulcan. Wha' ship are we meeting?"

"You will be meeting the USS Delta. Careful, though, Marcus and Komack might have someone or someones on ship assisting them. Keep an eye on those two."

"We will Admiral. Leonard has them in isolation, and that is where tha' two will stay. Especially since I will be workin' on their rooms."

"Doctor Kirk and his family are on the Delta as well. He will be assisting Doctor Marcus and McCoy on this matter. Try not to let them kill each other. Or God forbid, Spock kill him."

"Aye, sir."

"Pike out." As the call was disconnected, Scotty shook his head, George Kirk Jr., on board. Lord, help them all. Spock willna like this, at all.


McCoy came into sickbay, all cheerful for once. M'Benga and Carol, who were already there in preparation for the impending arrival at New Vulcan, raised their eyebrows. The door to the isolation room opened, and out stepped a sleepy Captain Kirk.

"Hey, Bones." he yawned and scratched his head. "You're awful happy."

Carol almost cooed at how cute he looked. She didn't as she knew a certain Vulcan would take exception to that. She caught Christine's eye, and they shared a look. There was one thing about the Captain they both agreed on; he could be adorable when he wanted to. He didn't even do it on purpose, either.

"Come into my office, Jimbo, and I will tell you." He walked into his office, and Jim followed behind. He let Spock know where he was since he was now extremely protective since Pike's call. Damn the man. Damn sexy, possessive Vulcan. He felt Spock's smug satisfaction as he heard Jim's thoughts.

"What's up, Bones?"

Montgomery proposed."

"He did?" Jim leaned forward in his chair.

"He did. We got together after you were kidnapped. I didn't think he liked me that way. But damn, he makes me all weak in the knee."

"Are you happy?"

"Yes, damn man is amazing. Never thought I'd be happy again after my ex."

"Then congratulations, Bones. I will have to give the speech, though."


"Yup, he hurts you; he dies. The usual."

"Get back out there, kid. Time for you and your hobgoblins check-up."

"Awe, Bones."


Jim got up and went out to meet Spock at one of the biobeds. McCoy smiled. He was so happy that maybe he would be gentle on the hypos today. Nah.

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