Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

Sarek startled from his trance when he felt a surge of mixed emotions over his bond with his wife. He got up and headed out of his quarters for sickbay, where he knew she was to be. He got in the lift and waited for it to arrive on the deck for sickbay. He walked down the hallway, nodding to crew members that greeted him. He entered into sickbay to see his wife unconscious on a biobed and Doctors McCoy and M'Benga tending her. He walked over to them, "What happened to my wife?"

"She fainted after talking to your son," Doctor McCoy told him as he scanned her with his tricorder. "She'll be fine. See, she's already coming around."

They could see her eyelashes fluttering as she came back to consciousness. "Doctor, is it true? What he told me about Captain Kirk, is it true?"

"Yes, ma'am. Ran the scans myself and doubled and triple checked everything."

"Oh," she said faintly as she relaxed back on the bed. She turned her head to look at her son and his bond-mate, hovering by the door to the isolation room. She beckoned them over to her with a smile.

"Aduna, what is the matter? What is going on?" Sarek asked her.

"Oh, Sarek, our son bonded to the Captain, and now we will have grandchildren."

"Aduna, that is not possible. The Captain is a male." Sarek was confused. How did this bond come about?

"Adun, the Excalbians triggered his time, and due to being experimented on, the Captain is pregnant. Twins! Oh, I can't wait to go shopping." She was in heaven. Jim could feel the excitement rolling off her in waves and the confusion pouring off poor Sarek. 'I feel bad for your father. The poor man has no idea what to make of this.'


"Twins?" he looked at Captain Kirk and his son, then to Doctor McCoy, who nodded his head. And with that, McCoy and everyone in sickbay had the pleasure of being one of the few, if not the first, is to see a Vulcan faint.

McCoy sighed, "Put him up on a biobed."

They lifted him off the floor and got him comfortable on the bed. At this rate, he won't finish his report and get to his quarters to have his fill of his Scotsman.


T'Pau answered the door to her quarters to find Lieutenant Uhura. "Yes."

"Lady T'Pau, I was asked to bring you down to sickbay."

"Is something the matter?"

"There is a matter with Spock and Sarek that Doctor McCoy asked that you resolve. If you will follow me, please. I am not aware of the exact matter."

"Of course," she said, and they left her quarters. They traversed the ship and entered sickbay. T'Pau blinked when she say her son lying prone on a biobed, Amanda sitting on one next to his and her grandson and the Captain standing near hers. She nodded to Lieutenant Uhura and made her way over to them.

"What is the matter with Sarek?"

"It seems Lady T'Pau, he fainted." McCoy ran the tricorder over him as he spoke and nodded his head when he was satisfied with the readings.

"He fainted?" her brow lifted at the news.

"Yes, he fainted when Lady Amanda told him that her son and Captain Kirk was bonded, and the Captain is now pregnant," M'Benga told her.

T'Pau blinked and then blinked again. "I am afraid that I must have misheard. He is pregnant?"

"Yes, it seems that was one of the experiments performed on some of the captives. Three of the males are now capable of carrying and giving birth to children."

"Indeed, that is interesting news. How far along are they, if I may ask?"

"Two of them are three months, and Captain Kirk is now entering his second week."

"Welcome to the family, Captain Kirk. When we reach New Vulcan, we will let Starfleet know that you are now a citizen of New Vulcan."

"Thank you, Lady T'Pau."

"He'll be fine. I am going to finish my reports. Jim; Spock, you can stay here and visit with the family. Once they have left, I want you to both go and rest." He gave Jim a stern look.

"We will, Bones."

McCoy headed back to his office after giving T'Pau and Amanda a nod. He quickly finished them up and checked on the group before he left. They were all seated and talking. Amanda, Jim, and Spock on a biobed, Lady T'Pau on a chair someone must have located for her and Sarek on his biobed. Well, at least they are sitting, they were resting. With his shift done, he hurried to his quarters as he had a Scotsman to do. He smiled on his way to his quarters, causing the passing crew to take a second look at what they saw.

Vulcan translation:

Adun - husband

Aduna - wife

Ko'mekh - mother

Sa'mekh – father

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