Chapter 3

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***Note*** Will do my best for a good accent on Scotty. Not Scottish, so the burr is gonna be iffy. I also Rated M as a precaution because it will have some heated scenes in it.

Chapter Three

"Any luck, Scotty?" McCoy asked as he entered the bridge from the lift.

"Nay a hair of them on the planet." Scotty grumble from his seat in the Captain's chair. They had been searching for two hours since they failed to reply to the hails from the ship when they did not show up. When they tracked their communicators, beamed down to the location, it was to find their phasers and communications on the ground along with the keys to the hovercar.

McCoy groaned at the news. Damnit, now they were going to have to contact Starfleet Command as there was no way for them to locate them as they were taken off-planet. What is it with that kid? Can't stay out of trouble, even on shore leave. God, he needed a drink. "Well, we're going to have to contact Starfleet Command. Uhura patch us through, and we'll take it in Jim's ready room," he said as he headed into the room. "Scotty, get in here! I am not doing this alone."

Scotty got up, "Sulu take the helm."

"Aye, sir."

Scotty headed into the room and stood next to McCoy. "We'll get them back, Doc." he patted him on the shoulder.

"When we do, I am going to do a full physical, and he will be taking plenty of any hypos I deem necessary. So will that damn hobgoblin," he muttered.

"Doctor McCoy, Admiral Pike is on the line."

"Put him through, Uhura."

"Doctor McCoy and Lieutenant Commander Scott. What can I do for you, gentleman?" Admiral Pike greeted them.

"Well, sir. It seems that the Cap'n and Commander are a missing?" Scotty told him.

"What do you mean that the Captain and Spock are missing?" Pike growled out.

Lieutenant Commander Scott and Doctor McCoy winced before straightening back up and continuing with their report.

"Well, ya see here, Admiral. We're here for some small repairs to the ship that should only take the day. So the Cap'n gave us shore leave ona Argelius II. The Doc, Sulu, Chekov, and I stayed to keep an eye on the ship. The Cap'n and Commander beamed down ta the planet at 0900, were to return at 1600 to cover the next wave of those on shore leave. When they didna come back by 1615, we tried to hail them. When we received nay response, we locked on their communicator signal and beamed down to that location. Security found hovercar keys, their communicators and phasers next ta hovercar. There was nay sign of them. They did find some strange material, so they sent samples to be looked at to the science labs."

"Good, keep me posted on the results. Who was the last to see them, gentleman?" Pike asked, pressing his fingers to his temples, trying to stave off the impending headache.

"Ensign Giles, when he beamed the down. On the planet, it was the girl at the Hover car rental office. They took their keys and headed out ta the lot."

Admiral Pike growled. This was going to be a shit storm of epic proportions. Now he had to inform Ambassador Sarek on New Vulcan to let him know that his son was missing and possibly kidnapped. Some days it did not pay to come into work. "Alright, gentlemen. I will keep Lieutenant Commander Scott in charge. Finish your repairs. Once I have contacted New Vulcan, I will get back to you with your new orders."

"Understood, Sir," they said together.

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