Chapter 7

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****Note**** I think I did better on Scotty's borough. Let me know what you think. Feedback always appreciated!!!

Chapter Seven

Three days later, found the Enterprise .two six days out from New Vulcan, Doctor McCoy was doing his shift in the Captain's chair. It had been five days from when their two commanding officers were taken from Argelius II. He and Scotty had been spending a lot more time together, balancing schedules. It was agony being so close to him. Once they brought the Vulcans party aboard, maybe then they'll get be able to make further headway. They were able to find out more about the substance but no idea how it could have gotten there. The species is matched to had no ships. They weren't technologically advanced, at least they weren't the last time they dealt with them. Starfleet records still showed that to be true. He rubbed his temple and sighed in frustration. The lift doors opened, and Sulu stepped onto the bridge. "Ready for some rest, Doctor McCoy?" Sulu asked him when he came to a stop next to him. McCoy saw the other crew members that were there for the Gamma shift.

"Definitely. Are you sure you don't mind covering Delta shift as well?" He asked him.

"I will be fine, Doctor. We will be at New Vulcan in .two six days. We'll notify you and Lieutenant Commander Scott so you may be able to greet them."

"Thanks, Sulu. See ya later."

"Good-bye, Doctor." He then sat down in the Captain's chair McCoy had just left. McCoy headed to the lift; he headed down to deck 5 to meet with Scotty. They were going to have dinner in his room and go over the scheduling.


He rang the chime on Scotty's door. He walked when he called for him to come in. "Howdy, Scotty. We made good time."

"Aye, told ya she be alrigh'. Ready fer dinner?"

"No, haggis?"

"Auch, no lad. We added burgers and fries to the replicator menus. No worries, we didn't for tha Cap'ns."

"Ya darn right. I am trying to come him healthy. He'd eat it every meal if he had access to that." McCoy scowled at the thought.

Scotty was laughing as he set down their plates and filled their cups with some of his brew. "Have a wee sniff, Doc. Eat up so we can get the scheduling down and ha' some peace."

"Can't have more than a glass Scotty. We are almost there, and I don't plan on greeting the hobgoblins kin with a throbbing head."

"Doc! Tha' be what yer magic hypos are fer."

"Don't make me jab ya extra hard as I do, Jim."

Scotty laughed as he took a bite of his burger. The two settled into their meal, and, in no time, were done. McCoy grabbed the spare pad he left here last time they did the schedule. He pulled up the rotation schedule to look over. "It looks like we're covered for all shifts. Hopefully, we'll have them back soon, so we don't overwork everyone covering the two. Who knew there was so much darn paperwork. Most of it is on hold as we don't have the proper clearance."

"Aye, vacations are on hold."

"Yeah, that is going to go over well."

"Well, now, we are fine with tha schedule, and we are caught up best we can on paperwork, so now we can rest our weary selves until we reach the colony."

"I suppose you're right," McCoy said and stretched. He dropped his arms when he noticed the look on Scotty's face. His mouth suddenly felt dry, and he licked his lips. Scotty's eyes tracked the movement of his tongue. Next thing he knew, he was pulled into Scotty's arms, and his mouth was being devoured. Oh, how he could kiss. He opened his mouth to a persistent tongue. His hands of their own volition moved into Scotty's hair. Silky soft, was his last coherent thought. They pulled apart when it became clear they needed air.

"Bed, now!" Scotty demanded, and McCoy nodded dumbly back. He grabbed McCoy's hand and dragged him to his bed. His last thought was damn; he was sexy when he was dominant.

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