Chapter 17

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***Note*** There is some hating in here. Just warning you. Not extremely. And some alien language.

Chapter Seventeen

"Captain, Commander Spock," McCoy and Scotty called out.

"HoD, yuQ!" Divork shouted.

"Riov, erei'Riov," Lovok called out.

They all turned their heads and gaped in disbelief at the rescue party. "Howdy, Bones. Did you miss me?" came Jim's cheeky response.

The six men stood from the table and made their way over to the rescue party. They could see the scowl on Divork's face as well as the other Klingons that came with him. "HoD, why didn't you escape?" he asked.

"We were locked in and drugged most of the time. And I could not leave without my mate," he said to them.

"You're mated?"

"Yes," he pulled Suran into his arms. "My mate."

"Dajatlhmo' loD?" he shouted with disgust on his face. That disgust was echoed in the faces of the other Klingons.

"neH loD. ghaH mate. because of ngong maHvaD ta', 'Iv ghoS Qup jIH SIQ mate qar DaH vIghaj." Kor barred his teeth in aggression at Divork's tone.

"maHvaD Heghpu'. qawlu' tuq 'ay.' tuHmoH qem SoH tuq 'ej." And with that proclamation, all of them turned their backs on the two Klingons they came to rescue, and they left the room to return to their ships.

Jim was very grateful that none of his crew could speak Klingon. He wasn't sure about the Vulcans that were there or the other Romulans.

"Riov, what is going on? Why are you cuddling with a Klingon?" Lovok looked more confused at the situation then angry.

"We are mates, Lovok. We have been experimented on by the Excalbians, and because of what was done, we are mated pairs. We won't be going back to the Star Empire."

"But sir, the Empress. What am I to say?" Lovok was starting to get upset. He did his duty, and now this. He couldn't understand; all his Riov and erei'Riov had to do were leave the Klingons behind. Merrok could hear what Lovok was thinking, it made him angry, and he had all he could do not to hit him. There was no way that he or his Colonel and their mates would survive in the Star Empire. Romulans no longer had the telepathic ability, and there was no logic there. He would end up massacring the fools that dared to insult him or his mate. And with a pregnant mate, they would kill him and his offspring. No, he would have to see if the Vulcans could take them in and hope that this did not throw them into war. He passed his thoughts to the others, and he could hear Captain Kirk conversing with his mate on the matter.

"Go, Lovok. That is an order. I want you all to tell them that we are dead, and you could not find our bodies. Because of what has been done to us, we can not go back." He could feel when Lovok lost his temper, and he pulled his disruptor.

"I will make sure we bring back your bodies, once we have killed the Klingon filth that you are clinging too." Suddenly there was phaser fire, and the six Romulans hit the floor. Without anyone noticing, Lieutenant Cupcake and his security crew had pulled their phasers and were at the ready when the Romulans made their move.

"Good work, Giotto. Let's get back to the ship and get out of here before they come to. If we can put enough distance between their shop and us, they won't be able to follow us. Especially as it means they would have to go further into Federation space, then they are now."

"Aye, Captain." Scotty passed over the extra suits that were needed and grabbed the ones that the Romulans had brought, and they headed out of the room. Once they were far enough from the building that the shielding would not disrupt them transporter beam, they beamed up.

They stepped from the pad after the last member of the rescue party beamed up, "Thank you, Captain," Kor said.

"No problem, though, if I have to say, we all have a date with Bones in sickbay," Kirk smirked at a scowling McCoy, and they all headed out of the transporter room.

Merrok turned to the Vulcans, "If I might have some of your time later. There is much I need to talk to you about."

Sarek nodded to him, and the Vulcans headed away. Sarek turned before he left to Spock. "Your mother will more than likely be heading to sickbay once I have told her you are well and onboard the ship."

"Very well, father." he turned and followed the others to sickbay.


Once the Captain had headed to sickbay, Scotty headed to the bridge to get them underway. As soon as he stepped onto the bridge, he started giving orders. "Ready shields and set a course fer New Vulcan a' warp 8. As soon as they realize tha' we're leaving, and their acting Capt'n is still down thar be ready ta go."

"Aye, sir."

"Sir, their weapons are firing up."

"Raise shields and put us on red alert."

"Aye, sir," Sulu said over the blare of the alarms. The ship rocked as the torpedoes from the other ship connected with their forward shields. "Shields holding, sir, at 95 percent."

"Get us going, Sulu. Make sure ta hav' tha rear shields at max."

The Enterprise swung around and rocked again from another round. They made it out a few kilometers still under fire from the Romulan ship and then entered warp. Scotty relaxed once he felt them enter hyperspace.

"I didna see the Klingon ship, she leave already?" he asked.

"Aye, sir. They left .25 hours before you arrived back from the planet."

"Good. Sulu, ya hav' tha comm. I'm gonna check on tha Capt'n." He slid from the Captain's chair.

"Aye, sir," Sulu said as he slid into the Captain's chair.

Scotty walked over and entered the lift. He was happy to have the Captain and Spock back, especially as the Captain was a good friend, but he was more interested in seeing his sweet Leonard. He smiled as he headed to sickbay.


Klingon Translations:

Dajatlhmo' loD? - You are a lover of men?

maHvaD Heghpu'. qawlu' tuq 'ay.' tuHmoH qem SoH tuq 'ej. - You're dead to us. You are no longer part of our clan. You have brought shame to us and our clan.

neH loD. ghaH mate. because of ngong maHvaD ta', 'Iv ghoS Qup jIH SIQ mate qar DaH vIghaj. - Just this man. He is my mate. Because of the experiments done to us, I now have a mate who is going to bear me young.

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