Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-four

Pike put in the call to the Enterprise. He was hoping that he would not have to go through with this. Jim hated it when people thought he couldn't do his job or protect himself. Probably stemmed from his shitty childhood with Frank. Not many knew of that; he wondered if he shared with Spock. He snorted, stupid thought, with them in each other's heads probably has already. Uhura took that call and patched him down into sickbay, where McCoy was still keeping them.

"Pike, how did it go?" Was Jim's greeting.

"Hello to you as well, and how are you doing today?"

"We are well, Admiral. Thank you for asking." Spock gave Jim a look with a raised eyebrow.

Pike assumed they were talking in their heads. Jim had a pout on his lips when he looked back at Pike. "Sorry, Admiral. We're fine. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Kid. We had our meeting today with the Admiralty. You two keep your command, but Marcus put it to them that you needed to be checked out with some scientists as well as with McCoy for your safety, of course."

Jim snorted, "I'm sure, and it will probably be someone in his pocket. If he controls the scientists, they will say whatever he wants them to say. Him and Komack."

"Indeed, this is most concerning."

"Don't worry. We already got the scientists on board that Archer and I choose. We'll protect you, don't worry." Pike assured them.

That was the wrong thing to say as Spock's nostrils flared, and both eyebrows went up. Even Jim startled at the swell of possessive and protective rage that came from his mate. "Are you inferring, Admiral, that I do not know how to take care of and protect my mate?"

Pike's eyebrows went up, and even he could tell that Spock was pissed, why him. Archer owed him the good stuff after this. "No, Commander Spock, I am not. We wish to help you both. It is nothing against your ability to, urr, protect your mate." Pike backpedaled.

Jim's eyes narrowed at what he realized they were talking about. "I can take care of myself. I don't need a keeper from either of you."

"I am your dominant, and it is my duty to protect you and our kits." Spock turned to Jim. They both openly glared at each other, forgetting that they had an audience for this. Pike could not believe the open emotion coming from Spock.

"I can take of them as well. I don't need you beating your chest and standing in front of me. I am the Captain of this vessel, and I went through the same training as you."

"I understand that my mate, but as your dominant, I can not stand by and let you or our kits come to harm."

"What? You say that I would."

"I meant nothing of the sort. You must understand that as a Vulcan and your dominant, it is my duty to make sure that our family comes to no harm."

"I can take care of myself just fine. I don't need to be protected."

"You are my submissive and I will take care of you." His voice dropping down an octave and taking on a growling quality to it.

At this point, Jim's eyes started tearing up, and his lip trembled. "You may be my dominant, but you are not my parents." Jim sniffled, trying not to cry. Why was he acting this way? It must be the hormones flooding his body because of his twins. "I..I...can take care of our kits too."

Spock's eyes softened, and he lifted his hand to brush away a tear, "I know, Thy'la. But I need to protect you. I will not survive if anything were to happen to you or our kits." He leaned down and pressed his lips to Jim's. Pike felt uncomfortable at this display he witnessed between the two. He awkwardly cleared his throat, "The two scientists that we chose to help out, you to know already. So they should have no problem working with them."

Jim brushed Spock's hand away and shouted, "I can damn well take care of myself and our fucking babies. Stop treating me like fucking glass. I won't fucking break." and with that Spock growled, grabbed him by the arms and shoved him against the wall, being careful not to do it too hard.

"I am not treating you like glass, but if you act like a child, I will treat you like one." And with that, he pulled Jim across his lap as he sat down in Doctor McCoy's visitor chairs. Pike not wanting to be traumatized, cut the connection. Spock lifted his hand and brought it down on Jim's ass. *Crack* "I am your dominant, and you will not disrespect me." *Crack* "You will listen to me." *Crack* He continued to slap Jim's ass until he was crying and had stopped trying to get free. Spock pulled Jim upright in his lap and brushed his tears from his checks. "Are you alright now, Thy'la?" Jim sniffed and nodded his head.

"M'm sorry," he coughed out, trying to get his crying under control. His ass stung, and it was uncomfortable sitting on Spock's lap, but he did not want to move.

'I love you,' Spock whispered in his thoughts.

'I love you too, Spock.' Jim whispered back. Spock lifted Jim and carried him back to the isolation room. After this, his little love needed to rest. Stress was not good for the kits.


Pike scrubbed his hands over his face. That was just disturbing. He never seen the kid lose it like that. Not even when he had to tell him that his mother was killed along with her entire crew, he needed a drink. He had done what Archer asked him to do, and now he owed him. He got up from his chair. A few months ago, he had gone for a procedure that corrected the damage from when Nero, and now he was no longer wheelchair-bound. He'll never take his legs for granted again. He headed down the hall to Archer's office and buzzed to let him know someone was there. The door slid open, and he walked in.

"Ya look a mite green there. What happened?"

"Not sure," Pike said, rubbing a hand over his face.

"So, what happened?"

"Well, I told them what was going on and what we were going to do and have done to keep them safe, and Spock lost it."

"Lost it? Spock?"

"Yup, he got all upset about us insinuating he could not protect his mate and kits."


"Yeah, think he means the babies. Must be a side effect of what was done to them."

"Oh. So what happened?"

"I told him no, we did not think anything of the sort and then Jim got upset. He was not happy that we didn't think he could take care of himself or the babies, and then they argued, and Spock was actually emotional for all to see."


"Then, Jim started to tear up and then yelled at him."

"Oh, boy. What did Spock do?" Archer was caught up in the story and the novelty of a Vulcan showing emotion.

"He turned Jim over his knee. At that point, to save my sanity, I cut the call."

Archer cackled, "Do you think that they had make up sex afterward?"

"Dammit, Jonathan! I don't need to know or even want to think of that. I think of that kid like a son. You old pervert."

He cackled again, "I'm old, not dead. Everything still works, you know."

"No, I don't. You owe me a drink, and it better be the good stuff."

Archer got up and fixed them each a drink. He handed one to Pike and sat back down with the other. "You know if you want to know. I can show you sometime." He grinned as Pike choked on his drink and looked at him with shock. He took a sip of his drink and winked.

***Note*** Yeah, so that last bit just popped in my head, and I just had to write it. Shocking! And maybe a little squicky. Well, now we know how Spock deals with a naughty submissive. Kinky bastard.

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