Druggie!Louis & Rich!Harry

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(Please tell me if you're reading? Possible Trigger Warning!) Louis couldn't really remember the first time he'd done drugs. The first time he'd experienced the euphoric rush they brought upon him. But then again, he was usually too caught up in a drug induced haze to remember anything at all. And besides, even if he could remember, he wasn't sure he wanted to. Why would he? He'd thrown everything away because of his stupid addiction. He'd dropped out of school, ditched all of his friends, and been kicked out of his home by his mother. What was memorable about that? What was there to remember about any of that, that was worth his while? Nothing. But regardless of all the downfalls of the addiction, Louis didn't want to stop. He didn't want to lose the high that heroin brought him. Even if he lost everything else in the mix. To Louis, it was worth it. Drugs were worth spending nights on the street or in abandoned buildings. It was worth being sickly pale and dirty. Hell, to Louis it was worth having to commit a few felonies to get drug money. He'd done everything from mugging people on the street, to breaking into gas stations in the dead of night to score a few extra bucks from the cash register. It was easy for Louis. The drugs had eaten away at all of his emotions, he didn't feel bad about anything he did. So when one late night he'd wandered into the better side of town and was seated the stairs of some old apartment building with a cigarette resting between his pale lips and saw a fairly wealthy curly haired man strolling down the street, Louis sat up a bit. Rich people were so easy to con. Turn on the waterworks and ask for a few dollars and he could rack up a few extra bucks easy. He stubbed the cigarette out on the steps and stood up, tugging his beanie further over his hair with a sniffle as he made his way over towards the man. "Hi!" He greeted, in a scratchy voice. Worst comes to worst and the guy doesn't give him the money, he grabs the wallet and runs. "I hate to bother you, think you could spare a few dollars? Fiv- Ten maybe?" (Continue as Harry please? )

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