Police!Harry & Criminal!Louis

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(Please tell me if you’re reading?) Louis Tomlinson was a criminal. Though, he preferred to be called ‘illegal genius’. After all, it’s not like he killed anyone, or even laid so much as a hand on someone. So what was the harm in him and his partner Zayn stealing priceless art to sell on the black market? Nothing, or so he had thought only months prior. No, he’d thought that only up until he found out just which member of the police force was investigating his case. Harry Styles. As in, his boyfriend Harry Styles. Hell, he’d never even meant to get involved with a cop, for gods sake. But he had, and he just so happened to get involved in the exact one who wanted him behind bars. Harry of course, didn’t know it was Louis he was hunting. He thought Louis was the most innocent thing to walk the earth (Not that Louis was complaining, because frankly thats exactly what he wanted him to think). The two had met almost a year before at some bar, hitting it off almost instantly. But it wasn’t until Louis had fallen hard for him before he realized that he worked for the police department (A major setback, in Louis’ eyes). But regardless, he’d been just a little more careful in his work, and everything had seemed fine. Until a break in the case, fingerprints at a crime scene, came through. And currently, Louis was curled into his side with his head resting on Harry’s shoulder as he watched him flick through the case files over and over again. “Babe, can you stop looking through the case for a bit? You don’t need to catch this guy. Just give it a break.” (Continue as Harry please? I understand if you don’t like it, so if you don’t please just disconnect! xx)

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