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Louis' heart was pounding in his chest as he waited at the airport gate, nibbling his lip nervously as his eyes darted around. He was holding up a sign with the name of his long distance boyfriend of two years on it. They had met on Tumblr, exchanging pictures and their stories. They skyped every night and texted everyday,called on the phone... But they lived miles and miles apart. Finally , after two whole years of dating, they were about to meet for the first time in person and Louis was more than nervous. He had worked on his outfit all night... Only to change it to some simple skinny jeans and his favourite the Killers shirt. He left his fringe down since that was how Harry said he loved it most... "Plane number 317 is now unboarding," a voice suddenly announced and Louis smiled widely because that was the number he had been longing to hear since he arrived. That was Harry's flight which meant he was here and Louis was finally going to meet the curly-haired boy he was in love with after waiting so long.
(Continue as Harry, make him however you want. Long/detailed responses please)

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