Daddy Kink!Louis

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Harry blushed softly as he looked down at himself and adjusted his cock in the black lace panties. Cliché he knew, but Daddy had told him what to wear. And he always did what he was told. Plus the lace panties matched his kitten ears on his head. Blushing deeply and doing himself a twirl in the mirror he heard Louis call for him and he went red softly. “Coming!” he called and quickly fixed the lace so it fit him just right, hugging his hips and his bum perfectly and fixing his ears around his curls. Slowly walking  out of the room and seeing eyes on him. Only one pair, because this was just starting  their whole d/s element in their relationship. They were still negotiating their kinks, and punishments. But Harry knew it was because he loved him, that’s why he was punished. And when Harry was being a lot of trouble he had to call louis sir, and maybe a spanking. Or even he’d have to do one of the kinks that he didn’t like very  much. Such as water sports. But he tried to be a good Boy. Blushing and walking over to louis he slowly stood in front of him. “Do I look good daddy?” he asked softly.(Conutine as Louis?)

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