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Harry would be waiting for Louis outside school, sitting in his Mustang, looking as perfect as ever, since he was in college and Louis was finishing his last year of high school. Everyone was shocked when they first saw them together, since Harry was known as a ‘bad boy.’ And he was. If someone even looked at his Louis, he would send them to hospital. Because Louis was smaller and more petite, because he was easily led, and because he was completely adorable with his button nose and pink lips and sweet personality, Harry was much more protective over Louis than any of his previous girlfriends or boyfriends. If Harry saw a guy talk to Louis, he would get mad, jealously would just take over. Louis would fix it with sweet kisses and kind words, but that guy would be on Harry’s death list, a mental list he had for people he really wanted to kill. Harry had gotten in too many fights with guys that attempted to flirt with Louis, and too many fights with Louis over the jealously. But they always made up, always. Louis jumped when the bell rang, and immediately grabbed his stuff and left. He walked outside with his friend, looking around for Harry before spotting him and waving. He quickly said goodbye to his friend and rushed over, leaning up to kiss Harry who was leaning against the car. Some guys were staring at Louis’ bum whilst he leaned up, some even taking photo’s(Conutine as Harry , make him anyway you want.)

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