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At the age of 12, Louis family adapted to the new life they made for themselves after the incident with Louis’ father. His mum, Jay was easy to talk to and regain old family friends from before the horrifying divorce, the Horan’s; which is when Louis’ life changed forever. Louis realized that he was inevitably and fully gay and he started dating a beautiful, blue eyed Irish lad who went by the name of Niall, and their relationship couldn’t be described as anything other than perfect. They were always caution of each others issues; Louis having more than Niall, but Niall had affection issues, so they never moved too slow or too fast. That was the only thing that affected Louis; the fact that the most they’d done was make out, but he didn’t care all that much sense to him, everything was almost perfect in their relationship, and he would be damned if he messed it up. After their first year together, Niall came out to his best friend, Harry, who evidently despised Louis from the moment they met for no apparent reason; making another dramatic change in Louis’ life. They constantly bickered and could barely be in the same room for ten minutes without abrupt fighting starting. He would call Louis a pathetic dork, a flaming fag; he was ruthless. But Louis was no saint either. He’d yell to Harry that he was a disturbed low life, or a heartless neanderthal. But Louis tried for Niall. They were polar opposites. Harry was tough, tall, lathered with tattoos and just about a vicious as a bear. Mostly quiet of his home life, which was the only thing he had in common with Louis. But Louis on the other hand was quiet about most things, nerdy and awkward to those he didn’t know well and would barely hurt a fly. His blood only boiled when it came to Harry, and he was the only one to bring out his vicious side. For Niall and Louis’ two year anniversary, Niall was planning to get them to a beach house but coincidently couldn’t afford it. That’s when it became a trip for all five lads and Louis’ wasn’t thrilled at all, knowing Harry would come just to piss him off. A week before the trip was suppose to be set in motion, Liam organized a meeting at lunch for them to thoroughly organize the trip. Louis sat across from Liam, who was sitting next to Zayn, adjusting his jacket. “Hey babe!” Louis called out with a smile, waving to Niall and patted the seat next to him; his smile dropping at he saw Harry approaching. “You really had to invite that douchebag?.” he scoffed and folded his arms, ignoring Harry as best he could.At some point, Harry didn’t know the point nor could he pinpoint the exact time or remember it. But at some point he stopped caring. Maybe it was when his  home life went to shit, when his world fell apart with the leaving of his father. When he turned cold and heartless on the  outside. Never letting anyone get close enough on the inside to see what he was really like. He would never be hurt like his dad hurt him ever again. And ever since he left Harry was taking care of everything. The bills the payments. His mum suffering from a depression that she couldn’t shake out of. He rolled his eyes at Louis comment. “I was invited  because you couldn’t pay for it.” he snapped. Barely able to pay for the little bit he was assigned himself. Niall rolled his eyes and grinned as he sat next to Louis and snuggled into his side. Ignoring their banter like he always did. Harry taking his place next to Niall.

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