Youtuber!Harry & Solo Artist!Louis

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Harry Styles is a well known Youtuber from London. With over four million subscribers at only 19 years old, he's already wildly successful, with his own online merch store people coming up to him asking for pictures or autographs almost every time he goes out. He never considered himself famous and he never thought he'd get this big in the Youtube community. He started making videos just because he got a camera as a gift, and would share his videos on Twitter and Facebook, and, somehow, he got more and more popular and people actually enjoyed his videos. Harry tries to come up with his own original videos, but like most people, he just gets lazy sometimes and follows the new trends, with an #AskHarry every third week, because he loves answering people's questions, whether they're serious or not. Youtube is his life now, and he wants to do it for as long as possible. Yes, Youtube is considered his job because he gets paid for uploading videos, but he would never call it that. Harry makes videos because he loves it and he loves entertaining people and pleasing his fans. He had been single for a while now, but that changed after he was asked to interview the one and only Louis Tomlinson, an upcoming solo artist that already has a number of fans around the world. His album had just been released and his first single had hit number one in the charts when Harry was asked to interview him. And okay, maybe Harry freaked out, because, like most teenage fangirls, Harry had quite the crush on the singer. Louis was just a sex god, as Harry expressed in one of his videos. A tad short and sexy, broad chest and shoulders, with amazing tattoos up and down his arms. Harry had no shame, so telling his viewers all of this in a video was a piece of cake, and maybe that's why he was asked to interview him. After the interview was over, Louis personally brought Harry back to his hotel, and somehow, they stayed up the entire night talking, mostly, and ended up dating. After six months, Harry made a video sharing the news with Louis in it, and the internet blew up. Both Harry's fans and Louis' fans loved them, dubbing them Larry Stylinson and fanart and fanfiction was immediately made. The support was unbelievable, and now, after almost three years of dating, it was still the same. Harry was now in the middle of an #AskLarry, as he included Louis in them because he knew their fans loved it, and one of the questions was 'What's the sex like? ;)', making Harry shake his head at the camera. "Some of you are really cheeky. Lou, what's it like to have sex with me?" he asked with a slight blush. (Continue as Louis, please. And this is dom!Louis.)

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