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(Please tell me if you’re reading?) Louis had to admit, that he loved his job. A lot. He loved the atmosphere, the people, and okay, maybe he liked that he got to live off of candy floss and funnel cakes most days too. You see, Louis worked at Disneyland which okay, wasn’t always the most glamorous. He swore he sweat off at least five pounds each day from being in the sun, and the income barely gave him enough to pay his rent and to buy a bowl of pot noodles for dinner every night (Not that he was complaining, because he loved them with his entire life) but regardless, he loved the job. He loved getting to dress up as Peter Pan and make his way around the park meeting the tourists and taking pictures with children who were oh-so amused with the idea that he was the real thing. And sure, he had to disguise his accent, but he knew it was worth it. But along with the perks of the job like the children, came the downfalls. Like his best friend (who just so happened to be his Captain Hook- ironic he knew) deciding to move back to the UK and leaving Louis utterly alone. Okay, so not really. But according to his boss during work hours he was only allowed to talk to others in the ‘Peter Pan’ costumes, as an act for the kids. And truthfully, the girl Eleanor who played Wendy was just /so/ utterly annoying. So most days Louis found himself distracting himself with other matters. That is, until one day he was called into his bosses office with the simple instruction to ‘train their new Captain Hook’. All he was told about the lad was that his name was Harry, and that he was waiting for Louis by the costume shack. At least Louis would have someone new to spend his days with, right? So soon enough he found himself wandering down the endless halls to the costume shack, quickly noting the curly haired lad sitting, his attention focused entirely on his phone, taking no note of Louis’ presence. “I um- Harry…?” (Continue as Harry please? I understand if you don’t like it, so if you don’t please just disconnect!)

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