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Louis wrote his life story on his body, he had two piercings some snake bite studs a cross his bottom lip„ just because he wanted them really. And Harry was his best friend, knowing that Louis loved his tattoos they would constantly talk about them or Louis would really, Harry would just ask him why when he saw Louis show up with a new tattoo. After his struggle with long term depression Louis decided that he wanted to be happy, he wanted a permanent reminder on what to be happy about. And that explained his tattoos, the first tattoo he had ever gotten was his original idea, he got a heartbeat across both his wrists to cover up the thin white scars. The heartbeat stopping on the right one, where he would get his doodles done on why he should remember to be happy. Why its great to be alive.  His first tattoo to remind him wasn’t even on his arm, it was on his ankles, The Rogue, because god they were awfully shit but he loved that band while it lasted. Then his arrow on his hip, waiting to fill the space above it. He also got his favorite at the moment It Is What It Is plastered across his chest, making him smile every time he was in the mirror. Because you couldn’t change shit but you could live with it.  Today Louis showed up with a bandage wrapped around his arm grinning softly as he heard Harry walk to the door. Excited to tell him a new story.  (Louis will eventually have every tattoo he has now minus the buck, bird and rope loop and the band on his other wrist of course, but he’ll have a few others ill put on him and basically Louis adds a new tattoo a day and he tells Harry a story of why there their)  

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