Chapter 6

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They landed and I got out at Stark Tower to help Tony. I got there and saw Dr. Selvig, Loki and Tony on the roof of Stark Tower. Tony landed and his machine started taking off his suit, so I sat down on one of the bar stools. "Hello, Agent Brown" he said and went behind the bar. Loki followed him in "please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." Loki said walking into the Tower "uh actually I plan on threatening you" Tony said.

"You should have left your armor on for that" Loki said.

"That's why I have her" he said pointing to me and I gave him a glare "ah" he said.

"You've got the glow stick of destiny and I have a teenage girl who can move things with her mind" Tony said.

"Oh and if I didn't mention she's also very pissed off at you" he said.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked walking over to the bar "stalling me wont change anything" Loki said.

"No, no threatening. No drink? Are you sure? I'm having one" Tony said.

"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that" Loki said.

"What have I to fear?" He asked.

"The Avengers" I said.

"You know a group of remarkable people that can beat your ass" I said with a smile. "Lets do a headcount." Tony said.

"Your brother, a demigod. A super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend. And a man with breath-taking anger management issues and a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella managed to piss of every single on of them" Tony said.

"That was the plan" Loki said.

"Not a very good plan" I said.

"When they come and trust me they will. They will be coming for you" I said.

"I have an army" Loki said.

"We have a hulk" Tony said.

"Oh, I thought the beast wondered off" Loki joked.

"You're missing the point. There is no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe its too much for us, but its all on you. Because if we cant protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it" Tony said "how will your friends of time for me when they are busy fighting you?" Loki said and poked Tony with the scepter and all I could do was laugh "performance issues. It's very common" Tony said Loki grabbed Tonys throat and threw him across the room "Jarvis any time now" he said Loki walked over to Tony and grabbed his throat again, I stood up and looked around the room for anything I can use. I grabbed a kitchen knife and ran over to the two men and kicked Loki he dropped his scepter and I pushed it further away "Agent Brown, dont" Tony said while gasping for air. Loki got back up and picked up his scepter he hit me with the scepter and I fell to the floor. He picked up Tony again and threw him out the window "deploy!" He yelled and I saw a red thing fly out of the wall and almost hit Loki in the face. Tony flew up to the broken window "you also pissed of one last person, his name was Phil" Tony said then shot his repulsive rays at Loki, he flew back and almost hit me. I stood up and ran to the stairs and ran up them to the roof.

When I arrived to the roof the portal from my vision was opening "oh no" I said then a bunch of aliens came out of the portal. Tony went into the army of aliens and started shooting at them. I saw one with some sort of flying cart, it flew by me and I jumped onto it and knocked the alien off. I flew the cart thing to the ground, I got off and saw the jet "I'm on the ground" I said into the comms "we will be there soon" Clint said then I saw the jet flew down and land. The hatch opened and Steve, Clint, and Natasha stepped out "we gotta get back up there" Steve said running around the cars with Clint, Natasha, and I following close behind. We stopped in front of a destroyed building, we looked up and heard a loud roar coming from the portal, after the roar a huge snake looking thing came out "holy shit" I said, it flew right down by us and flew further into the city. We looked around "Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked.

"Seeing. Still working on believing. Where's banner? Has he showed up yet?" Tony asked.

"Banner?" Steve asked.

"Just keep me posted" Tony said, Steve turned towards us "we need to take all of them out that our on the ground" Steve said.

"Take cover" he said when one of them came by on one of those carriage things. "We've got civilians still trapped up here" Clint said.

"Loki" Steve said when the carriages went by, there was explosions and fire everywhere. I saw a couple Chitauri coming towards us, I took out my gun and started shooting at them. When they got closer I gave up and started using my powers, I held up my right hand and lefted up a concrete beam and threw it at the group of Chitauri. "You think you guys can hold them off?" Steve asked.

"Yes" Natasha said.

"I'm coming with" I said to Steve and followed him of the bridge. We ran over to the police officers and and stood on a car with Steve "you need man in this buildings there are people inside and they might be danger. You take them to the basements or through the subway. Just keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." Steve said.

"We should we take orders from you?" The police officer said and I gave them a weird look then looked behind us, I jumped off the car and used my left hand and picked up a piece of concrete and threw it towards the group of Chitauri then Steve joined me.

After we were done with that group of Chitauri we turned back to the police officers and they started to bark the orders Steve gave them to the other officers.

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