Chapter 11

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A/N- in the last few chapters, like since she went to Russia we are in 2015.

Monday Morning

I woke up to loud beeping of my alarm clock. I looked at the time and saw 6 am "ugh" I dragged myself out of my bed and to the bathroom. I took a shower and changed into a white shirt, ripped blue jeans, a black leather jacket, and black and white converse. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth then walked out of my bathroom. I grabbed my backpack and started putting my notebooks and textbooks inside and walked out of my room and to the cafeteria.

I got to the cafeteria and grabbed a apple as my go to breakfast and made a sandwich and grabbed some grapes for lunch. I left the cafeteria and went to Fury's office.

I got to Fury's office and knocked "come in" he said and I opened the door. I walked into the office and sat down in front of him "who am I spying on?" I asked him "his name is Peter Parker" he said and handed me a file I opened it and saw a attractive blonde haired teenage boy. "He is also known as Spider-man" Fury said.

"Your mission is to be one of his friends and see if he's Avenger material" he said.

"Yes, sir" I said and looked at my phone "sorry, I gotta go, I'm gonna be late" I said and ran out of his office.

I exited the field base and ran to the nearest city bus and rode it to Queens and then ran to a bus stop. I got on the bus and sat in the back.

We arrived to the school 15 minutes early which was surprising since I was running late. I went into the school and went to the front desk "hi, I'm here to get my schedule" I said to the lady "Athena Brown?" She asked.

"Yes" I said and she handed me a paper "thank you" I said and walked away.

I looked down at the paper and looked for my locker number. I found my locker and opened it with my combination, I put my last three books in my locker and shut it. "Hi, I'm Liz. I am the class president and I wanted to say hi" said a pretty brown haired girl "its nice to meet you, Liz. I'm Athena" I said and held my hand out and she took it "its nice to meet you too" she said and smiled at me "so, whats your first class?" She asked.

"Um" I said and looked at my schedule "homeroom with Mrs. Clarkson" I said and she smiled "me too" she said and dragged me to a classroom with her.

The bell rang and the homeroom teacher started to right on the board "students, we have a new student" she said.

"Please welcome Athena Brown" she said and I waved. Mrs. Clarkson started taking attendance, I didn't pay attention till she called "Peter Parker" then a blonde boy raised his hand "present" he said.

"Liz Toomes" she said.

"Present" Liz said.

"Athena Brown" she said.

"Present" I said and went back to studying my schedule. The bell rang and we all stood up and headed out of the door, I looked down at my schedule and went to the History classroom.

I got to the classroom and sat down. I pulled out my History book and my notebook. The class started and I almost fell asleep because I was so tired.

Time skip to lunch

I walked into the cafeteria and sat at a empty table and started eating my sandwich. I heard someone seat across from me, I looked up and saw a girl with beautiful tanned skin and curly brown hair "hi" I said.

"Hi" she replied.

"I'm Athena" I said.

"Michele but my friends call my MJ at least they would if I had any friends" the girl said.

"Nice to meet you, MJ" I said and started to eat my sandwich again. I was almost done with my sandwich when I heard voices at the other end of the table "did Liz get a new top?" I heard a voice ask "no, we've seen it before. But not with that jean skirt" another voice said "we should probably stop staring before it gets creeping." The voice said I turn towards it and see Peter and another guy "to late, you guys are losers" MJ said and I laughed "then why do you sit with us?" The other dude asked "because I have no friends" she said and I made a shocked noise "excuse me" I said with my hand across my heart "what about me?" I joked.

"And her" she said.

"Thank you" I said and turned towards the guys "hi, Athena Brown" I said.

"I'm Peter and this is Ned" Peter said.

"Nice to meet you" I said and turned back to MJ and we started talking.

We finished our lunch and I walked with Michele to the girls locker room and got reading for class early.

I put on a pair of yellow shorts and a Midtown High shirt and went into the gym. I started stretching and slid into my splits and saw MJ give me a horrified look "what?" I asked.

"How did you do that" she asked.

"Uh, I used to do dance" I said and got up.

The health teacher came in and showed us a video of Captain America.MJ and I were partnered up to do sit-ups when I overheard Liz and other girls talking about superheroes "f Thor and marry Iron Man and kill hulk" a blonde girl said.

"What about Spider-man?" A guy said.

"Its just Spider-man" she said.

"Did you guys not see the video of him taking down 4 guys" Liz said.

"Peter know a Spider-man" Ned said.

"No, I-I dont" Peter said.

"Yeah, there friends like coach and Captain America" a guy said form behind me. "I've meet him. Yeah, a couple of times through the Stark Internship that I'm not supposed to talk about" Peter said.

"If you guys are friends then why don't you invite him to Liz's party?" The guy said then the conversation was over and I continued my sit-ups.

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