Chapter 16

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I walked through the halls of Midtown and entered the math classroom "hi, I would like to join the Decathlon team" I said to Mr. Harrington "sure, we need a extra team member" he said.

"Thank you" I said to him and he turned to the rest of the Decathlon "we are leaving in a couple of hours for Washington D.C so go home and get ready" Mr. Harrington said then turned back to me "can you go to D.C with us?" He asked

"Yeah" I said and left.

I started packing for D.C when my phone started to ring. I searched through the pile of clothes on my bed and found it "hello" I said.

"Hey, Athena" Clint said through the phone "she remembers everything" he said.

"She wants to talk to you" he said.

"Oh, ok" I said a little nervous "ill see you there" I said and hung up, I smiled and ran down to Happy "I need a ride" I said to him and he looked at me "what do you think I'm here for" he said and walked to the car and got in.

We got to the field base and I got out of the car and walked inside. I walked into the computer room and see Clint standing by one of the computers talking to Natasha, I sucked in a shaky breath and walked over to them. "Hey, guys" I said to them and they turned to me "hi, Athena" Clint says.

"You know, you two look a lot alike" he said I looked at him "we do?" I asked him.

"Yeah, the red curly hair and the green eyes. It's like I'm looking at a younger version of Natasha" he said and I smile "thanks" I said and I turn my focus back to Natasha "I guess we have a lot of catching up to do" I said to her and hugged her, she froze for a second then hugged back.

Natasha and I talked for hours and hours, we got to learn new things about each other and mother-daughter bond. I looked down at my phone and saw I only had an hour till I leave for D.C "I need to go. I have to get onto a bus to D.C for school" I said and got up "it was nice talking with you" I said and hugged her. I left the lunch room and went to where Happy was waiting for me and got in.

We drove to the Avengers building and I grabbed my bag and threw some clothes in it and ran out the door again and jumped into the car again "to the high school please" I said and we drove off to Midtown.

We got to Midtown and I jumped out of the car and ran over to the bus. "I'm here" I said to Mr. Harrington "great, everybody's here" he yelled onto the bus "hurry get on" he said to me and I gave him my bag and went onto the bus. I sat down by MJ and took out my phone and my earphones and started playing music and drifting off.

I woke up to MJ lightly pushing me I took out my earphones "Athena, get up we're here" she said I opened my eyes and and looked at the half empty bus. I got up and grabbed my backpack and walked out of the bus with MJ. "You were really sleepy" MJ said "yeah, it was a stressful day" I said and walked into the hotel.We signed in and got our rooms. We are in groups of two MJ and I, Ned and Peter, Betty and Liz, Flash and Abe, Sally and Cindy, etc. MJ and I walked to our room and unlocked it and went in. I sat my bag down and sat down on one of the beds. I looked at my phone and it was 12:20 in the morning "I'm so tired" I said and laid back on the bed "the whole team is going to the pool do you wanna go with?" MJ asked.

"Sure" I said and got up and changed into a swim suit (photo above) and grabbed a towel and left the room with MJ. We meet up with the group and walked by Peters room, Liz went up and knocked on it, Peter opened the door "do you wanna go swimming with us?" Liz asked.

"Maybe later" he said and Liz walked away "ok" she said and Peter shut his door.

We went into the pool and started swimming around. We had a splash fight and 'who can hold their breath the longest' contest and I won both of them. I am really hyper now and I jumped out of the pool and cannon ball right in between MJ and Liz, they both scream and I pop back up and start laughing.

MJ and I walked back to our room with towels wrapped around us and candy bars in our hands. We unlocked our room and we each took a shower and then went to bed.

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