The Meeting

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Two weeks had past since the incident with Harvey's men.

However, Tiffany had been extra cautious about walking anywhere. She hated feeling like she was always walking on glass. She still didn't understand why the Two-Face wanted her in the first place.

Roman said that he did business with him. But, what kind of business? She thought back to when Kat mentioned him being Black Mask. She quickly shook the thought from her mind.

Roman is honestly a dream come true for Tiffany. He has a small temper problem, but who doesn't?

As far as Victor, Roman said he would talk to him. Victor seemed to leave her alone for the most part. He would make a snarky comment here and there, but nothing she couldn't handle. Tonight, her and Roman sat in a booth watching the people around the club.

The night had been fantastic so far. They laughed, drank, and she even convinced him to take a few shots with her. She wanted him to loosen up a little. She asked him to take one last shot with her.

"Okay last one! I promise." Roman handed her the glass with a smile on his face, "Didn't you say that two shots ago?" Tiffany laughed and shrugged, "You keep saying yes!" Roman held his glass out to her and she clinked hers against his.

They simultaneously threw the drinks back together and slammed the glasses down onto the table. Tiffany stuck her tongue out and shook her head, "Oh god. What was that?" Roman laughed and slid the glasses to the edge of the table. "Whiskey."

Tiffany gagged and looked at him, "Are you trying to kill me?" Roman smirked at her and pulled her closer to him. She blushed and picked up the glass of water that was in front of her.

When she sat it down, Roman took her face in his hand and pulled it to face towards him. He looked her in the eyes, "Tonight's been fun doll." Then he placed his lips on hers. Just as she started to lean into the kiss, the two were interrupted by a voice. 

"Hate to break up the party, but someone is here to see you boss." Roman groaned and pulled back from her face. He turned to see Victor squatting down next to the booth. Tiffany continued to kiss up and down Roman's neck.

"Tell them I'm busy Zsasz." He turned back to her and once again their lips met. Victor cleared his throat, "I really think you should come out here boss."

This time Tiffany pulled away and looked at Zsasz, "He said no Victor. Tell whoever it is to fuck off." Victor stood still for a moment and glanced at Roman who had a smirk on his face.

Without another word, Victor walked away. Roman looked back over at Tiffany and wrapped his fingers in her hair. He roughly pulled her forward and grazed his lips against hers, "That was hot." Tiffany smirked and closed the space between their faces. Roman licked her bottom lip and she slightly parted them. Roman slid his tongue into her mouth. She wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned more into the kiss.

Just as thing were getting hot and heavy, they were interrupted by the sound of a glass hitting the table. Roman pulled back from Tiffany and snapped, "For fuck sake Zsasz. What the fuck did I tell you?!" Roman stopped when he noticed who was standing in front of him. Tiffany felt all the color in her face disappear.

Harvey Dent. Aka, Two-Face.

She'd only ever heard stories about the man. Horror stories of course, but she never thought she would be face to face with him.

She sunk back in her seat as she looked over to Roman. He quickly put a smile on his face and switched into host mode. Harvey put his hands in his pocket and looked back and forth between the couple, "So sorry to break things up. Didn't realize you were already in the middle of a meeting." Roman stood up and held his hand out for Harvey to shake.

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