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Almost a month had passed since Tiffany returned back to Roman's. Things had been quiet for the most part. Roman was extra cautious and always had bodyguards surround Tiffany.

Roman's latest project was trying to find who the new guy in town was. So far, nobody was talking.

Tiffany sat at the bar waiting for her drink. Roman didn't let her leave often so she had a chance to start becoming friends with a lot of the employees at the club. She learned that most of them had mixed reviews about her. Half of them liked her and the other half still just looked at her like Roman's bitch.

That was technically true, but lately things had been different. Roman seemed... to care. He was gentle with her, and wanted to know more about her. It was weird.

"Here's your drink Tiff!" Tiffany looked up at the woman in front of her and smiled, "Thanks Chloe." She leaned over the bar and placed a twenty dollar bill in the tip jar. "Make some good money tonight." Chloe smiled widely and nodded at her as she turned to go help another customer.

Tiffany picked up her drink and slid off the chair. As she turned to go find Roman, she heard a voice from behind her. "That was very generous of you." She stood still and took a sip from her drink.

"Harvey." She turned around to face him and gave him a small smile, "What a surprise. What are you doing here?" He smiled at her and placed his hands in his pockets, "There's actually some business I need to talk to Roman about. Is he around?"

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders and took another drink, "I haven't really seen him yet tonight. I should uh, get going though. Roman will kill us if he sees us together." She started to walk away but stopped when she heard, "So he told you what happened that day you left huh?" She raised an eyebrow and slowly turned to face him once again.

"Uhhh.. no? What are you talking about?" Harvey walked closer to Tiffany, "Forget I said anything. Do you think he might be upstairs?" Tiffany tilted her head slightly, "Possibly. He's probably almost ready to come down." In what seemed like one quick move, Harvey grabbed Tiffany and was suddenly holding a gun to her back.

Tiffany gasped and stood still. Harvey leaned down to her ear, "You're going to act completely normal, and take me upstairs to see Roman." Tiffany nodded her head and sat her drink down on the bar next to her. Harvey held her close and kept the gun tightly pressed against her back as they made their way upstairs. Once they got to the door Harvey tightened his grip on her, "Open it."

She slowly opened the door and stepped inside, Harvey close to her. They stood by the door and Harvey motioned for her to call out to Roman. Tiffany's eyes started to water, "R-Romy. Are you up here?" She heard a door open and footsteps to follow, "Sorry to keep you waiting doll. I was just trying to-" He stopped as he turned the corner.

Harvey had moved the gun from behind Tiffany's back and was now holding it to her head as he kept an arm wrapped around her chest. She had tears rolling down her cheeks as she stared at Roman.

She could see the anger building in him.

Harvey smirked and looked at Roman, "Heya Rome. I looked into that new villain, turns out he has a hell of a lot to offer. I think I'm going to have to go back on our agreement." Roman tried his best to stay calm. He nodded slowly and placed his hands in his pocket, "Is that what you think? Alright Harv. What can I offer you to make you change your mind? I'll get you anything you want. Just name the price."

Harvey chuckled, "I don't want a negotiation Roman. You're going to turn your shares over or our little play toy here is going to get her brains blown out." Tiffany whimpered as she stood as still as possible. Roman looked at her and back to Harvey, "Alright. Do it." Tiffany's breathing picked up as she looked at Roman in shock. Her vision became blurry once again as tears started to fall quickly.

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