The Room

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Tiffany sat on the couch, bouncing her leg. She chewed on her nails and looked over at the front door. She jumped when she heard a different door slam shut. She sat back on the couch and tried not to seem as suspicious. Roman walked down the hallway and smiled when he saw her.

"Hi doll, I'll be downstairs. You coming?" She stood up and met him halfway to the door. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. "I'll be down in a few Romy. I'd like to freshen up first." He smiled at her and kissed her once more before exiting.

She watched him go out the door and down the stairs.

After a few moments had gone by, she walked down the hallway to Romans room. She slowly opened the door and quietly closed it behind her. She took a deep breath and made her way to the bathroom. She stared into the closet before going in.

Did she really want to do this? Who knows what could be behind the door.

Just as she was about to go in she heard a voice from behind.

"If you tell anyone I let you in there, I'll wear your skin as a coat." Tiffany turned to see Victor standing in the bedroom. She had a chill go down her spine.

For some reason she had a feeling he wasn't joking. She nodded her head slowly and noticed a fresh cut on his arm. She had noticed he had scars over his body here and there, but she never questioned it.

She took a step towards him and pointed at the cut on his arm, "You're bleeding. Are you okay?" Victor smirked at her and turned to leave, "Don't come crying to me about what you find in there." Tiffany watched as he left the room. She shook her head. "He's so fucking weird." She turned back and faced the closet door.

She took a deep breath and entered the room.

She started looking for the key to the door and found it hidden inside one of Roman's shoes. She picked it up and stared at it. She looked over at the locked door and slowly approached it. She stuck the key in and turned it. She turned the knob and slowly pulled the door open.

As she stepped inside, the lights automatically started to pop on. The room wasn't terribly big, but she definitely had some searching to do. There were different kinds of masks lined on the right wall. Each one more expensive than the last. She slowly walked up to them and examined them.

They were mesmerizing.

She understood why Roman wanted to keep them locked up. She turned to the left and felt her jaw drop.

Different kinds of ropes, whips, chains, gags, blindfolds, and the last thing that really caught her eye, knives. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked over to the wall, "Kinky. Okay? I understand wanting to hide it, but why have so many?"

She continued her way walking further into the room. She walked up to a table. It had a black table cloth draped over it. There were different kinds of metal objects lined all along the table.

Tiffany tilted her head and reached out to pick one up. It looked like a melon-baler. She had heard of people using them as some kind of torture device. "Why would he have this?" She set it back down on the table and examined more of the objects.

A scalpel, pliers, a hammer, drills, more knives, and a car battery? "What the fuck?" She took a step back into the middle of the room and slowly started to look around.

The overall feel of the room made her very uneasy. Something was off. She saw a display case that was lit up and she made her way over to it. It was filled with all kinds of different jewelry and gemstones. She leaned down and smiled, "Wow. This holds a hell of a lot of money in it."

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