Lacey Towers

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The room had filled with steam as Tiffany soaked under the warm water. She had just finished rinsing her hair when she felt Roman's arms wrap around her.

She smiled softly and leaned against him. He kissed up her neck and up her jaw. She sighed softly, "Romy." He continued to kiss her, "Hm?" She looked at the floor and placed her hands on top of his on her stomach. "What are we going to do?"

Roman wrinkled his eyebrows together and turned her to face him. She had tears forming in her eyes. He reached up a wiped a tear that was falling down her cheek, "About what doll?" She bit her lip as she looked up at him, "About Harvey."

Roman sighed and pulled her closely to his body, "Don't worry. I have a plan." She nodded her head quickly and laid her head against his chest. "What is the plan?" He stepped back and placed his finger under her chin. He kissed her lips, "I have a safe house. Nobody knows about it. We'll go stay there. Away from Harvey, Victor, and whoever else. It'll just be us."

Tiffany nodded her head, "Okay... yeah." The two stepped under the water and tried to relax together.


Roman threw the bags into the trunk of his car. Tiffany got situated into the passenger seat. Her leg was shaking and she was biting her thumb nail. She looked out the window and jumped slightly when Roman opened the door.

She looked over at him as he turned on the car and placed his hand on her thigh. He rubbed her leg softly, "It's going to be okay. I promise you." She smiled softly and nodded, "So where is it we're going exactly?" Roman switched his focus to the road as they started driving, "Coventry. To Lacey Towers." Tiffany nodded as she looked out the window.

She had so many questions, but was afraid to ask. She hated that they had to run away. She was actually enjoying her time with Roman for a change. And now they had to go and hide it all away.

At least this would give them a chance to be alone together, right?

After what seemed like forever, the two eventually pulled up to the apartment complex. Tiffany glanced up at the building and waited for Roman to help her out of the car. She took a deep breath before grabbing his hand and following him inside.

They made their way into the elevator and she watched as he pushed the top floor button. "What if we need to run away? That's a lot of stairs to go down." Roman looked at her and chuckled, "I promise we'll be okay doll."

She smiled and the two walked out the elevator and down the hallway to the end door. Roman fumbled with his keys before finally unlocking it and pushing the door open. Tiffany stepped inside and examined the apartment.

It was huge. She shook her head and smiled softly, "You are insane." Roman came out of the bedroom from setting their bags down and raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Why is that?" He wrapped his arms around her waist as he smiled down at her. She leaned up and planted a kiss on his lips, "I just can't believe you have a safe house. And that it's this nice!"

Roman laughed, "You've been around me this long and still are surprised by these things?" Tiffany shrugged as she pushed her way out of his arms to walk around. "Yes. You always surprise me with the things you do." She looked at the long dining table that was next to the living room. Seemed almost unnecessary to have that big of a table for one person.

She looked up and pointed to the chandelier hanging above the couch. It looked like pure diamond. "That is absolutely stunning." Roman smirked as he walked over to her, "I've seen things that are far more beautiful than that." Tiffany raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh yeah? Name one!" He placed his hands in his pocket as her faced her, "You."

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