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Tiffany giggled as Harvey fed her a strawberry from his fridge. "You should've showed me this kitchen first. It's beautiful!" Harvey leaned against the counter and watched her, "I had to save the best for last." She smiled at him and grabbed another strawberry off the plate next to her, "Mr. Dent you are a fantastic host." She bit the strawberry and held it up to Harvey for him to take a bite. He did and she threw the leafs back on the plate.

"Oh hey! I meant to ask you, what is this meeting even about? Roman and I don't really talk much." Harvey looked over at her, "Roman is now getting some of my shares of Gotham. He bargains a good price. Gave me something I wanted and now I'm giving him control in return." Tiffany nodded slowly and jumped up onto the counter, "Roman always wants to be in control."

Harvey pushed himself off the counter and stood in between her legs to grab a strawberry. He rubbed his body up against hers the two came face to face. Harvey brought the strawberry up to her mouth, "If you ever need a break from him, feel free to give me a call." Tiffany felt as if she was holding her breath. She bit down onto the strawberry while holding eye contact with Harvey. She chewed slowly and let out a soft moan as the juices filled her mouth.

Harvey slowly put the strawberry down and brought his hands to her waist.  He slid her closer, closing the gap between the two. He slid his hands down to her thighs. Eventually, he bent his head down and brought his lips closer to hers. This time Tiffany was actually holding her breath, as his lips crashed onto hers she squeezed her eyes shut.

Tiffany leaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Harvey slid his hand down to her thigh. Just as things were starting to get too hot and heavy, Tiffany brought her hands up onto Harvey's chest and pushed him away from her.

Harvey stumbled back and looked at her with confusion. Tiffany breathed heavy, "I-I can't. I'm sorry." She looked up to Harvey with fear in her eyes. She looked behind her to make sure nobody else was around to see. Harvey stepped back from her and smirked, "You're really afraid of him aren't you?" Tiffany didn't hesitate, "Yes." Harvey threw his hands up in surrender and stepped back, "I get it. I would be to if I were in your shoes."

Just as Harvey finished his sentence, Roman and Victor entered the kitchen. Roman smiled and looked over at Tiffany still on the countertop. She watched his eyes go from her to the strawberries and then over to Harvey. "How was the tour?" Harvey placed his hands in his pockets and smiled, "I thought it went well. How did you like it sweetheart?" Harvey looked over to Tiffany.

Tiffany smiled softly and looked to Roman, "It was nice." Roman smiled and walked over to her. He picked up a strawberry and held it to her mouth, "Good to see that he kept you fed too." Tiffany let out an awkward giggle and took a bite of the strawberry. She exchanged looks with Harvey and then took Roman's hand that was held out to help her down.

Harvey cleared his throat, "So I take it that all papers were signed?" Roman wrapped his arm around Tiffany's waist, "Yes Harv. All papers were signed, and our business is done here." Harvey nodded his head and held his hand out towards Roman, "Glad to be in business with you Roman." Roman returned the handshake and Harvey turned his attention to Tiffany.

He took her hand and placed a kiss on top of it, "Always a pleasure to spend time with you sweetheart." Harvey took a step closer and whispered in her ear, "Don't forget about my offer, you know where to find me." Roman looked between the two of them and pulled Tiffany closer to him, "I think it's time we head back to the club. We have some more business to attend to today." Harvey nodded and motioned to the door.

Roman held the car door open for Tiffany. She glanced back at the house and then slid her way into the car. Roman made his way around to the other side and slid in next to her. The ride was quiet for the most part. Victor would glance back and forth between the two occasionally but never said a word.

About half way back to the club Roman looked over at her and placed his hand on her thigh again. Tiffany looked at his hand and then to him, "What?" Roman raised an eyebrow, "I'm simply resting my hand here. Am I not allowed to do that?" Tiffany sighed softly and shrugged her shoulders before looking back out the window.

She couldn't stop thinking about Harvey. How does a person go from trying to kidnap someone, to feeding them strawberries and having a hot make out session? These villains were confusing.

She could feel Roman's eyes still on her. She ignored him until he spoke up once again, "What did Harvey say to you before we left?" Tiffany kept her eyes glued out the window, "What do you mean? He told me he had a good time. You were standing there for that conversation." Roman squeezed her thigh slightly and she finally looked over at him, "I meant what did he whisper in your ear?"

Tiffany was confused. Roman had this look on his face that made it seem like he might of be actually a little sad? He didn't seem jealous or angry, he just actually showed emotion.

Tiffany placed her hand on top of his, "He told me that I could visit him anytime I wanted. That was just him reminding me of the offer." There was a pause. Roman looked down at her hand on top of his and she looked back out the window once again.

Not much longer and they were arriving back at Roman's club. As they walked inside Tiffany looked to Roman, "You don't need me for any other business deal right?" Roman looked at her for a moment, "No. You can go do whatever you please." Tiffany nodded and headed upstairs. She really wanted a long hot bath and to be comfy.

Once upstairs she headed for the bathroom and started the bath. She waited for the tub to fill and undressed herself. She had to admit that she looked good, but the pants were pretty uncomfortable. She sank into the water and took a deep breath. It was nice to get a chance to relax for once. She watched the steam rise from the water as she played with the bubbles.

Tiffany could feel herself starting to dose off and decided it was time to get ready for bed. She stood up and grabbed her towel. She drained the bathtub and dried herself off. She wrapped the towel around her chest and opened the door. She started to cross the hallway to her bedroom. She was stopped by Roman's voice, "Good job today."

Tiffany stopped and turn to face him, "Thank you. I didn't really do much though." Roman chuckled and shrugged, "You kept Harvey busy. That's a lot of work by itself." Tiffany smiled softly, "It was pretty easy. I like Harvey. He's nice."

Roman stared at her for a moment and placed his hands in his pockets, "He's nice to you because he wants to fuck you. You're nothing but a piece of ass to him." Tiffany's smile faded and she rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah? And what am I to you?" Roman licked his lips and looked to the floor.

Tiffany stared at him and clenched her towel tighter, "Yeah. That's what I thought. I may just be a piece of ass to Harvey, but at least he doesn't use me like a Malibu Barbie." Roman took a step closer to her. Tiffany took a step back and turned to go into her room.

She started to turn the door knob but stopped, "Harvey told me what deal you made with him." Roman nodded, "I'm not surprised. But, you should be grateful. You now officially live with the most powerful man in Gotham." Tiffany turned back around and looked at him.

"You still split it with Harvey though right? What's yours is his?" Roman nodded his head once again, "For the most part, yes." Tiffany stood still and stared at him. She took a shaky breath, "Am I apart of that deal?" Roman walked forward and came face to face with her. He brought his hand up and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"Do you really think that low of me?" Tiffany held tears back in her eyes, "Yes." Roman clinched his jaw and took his hand away from her. Tiffany felt her heart pound in her chest. Roman turned and walked back down the hallway. Tiffany turned and watched him before finally opening the door to her room.

She got stopped one more time by Roman speaking up, "No. You're not apart of the deal. If you want to spend time with Harvey, I won't stop you. But I would never fucking sell you off like that." Tiffany looked over at him and watched as he disappeared around the corner.

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