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Tiffany's eyes slowly fluttered open.

She flinched at the morning sun that peaked through her curtains. She went to roll over and groaned. She felt pain slash through her body. Not anything she couldn't handle, but definitely uncomfortable.

She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. She sighed softly to herself, "Fuck Tiff. What have you gotten yourself into?" Just as she was about to get out of the bed, the door flew open. Roman stepped into the bedroom carrying a glass of water and what looked like a bottle of pills.

"You look lovely. Here, drink this and go get ready. We have business to attend to." Roman extended his arm and Tiffany reluctantly grabbed the bottle from his hand. "What are these?" Roman walked over to her closet and started rummaging through her clothes. "Pain meds. I figured you'd need some." Tiffany watched as he started pulling outfits from her closet and laid them on her bed.

She opened the bottle and threw back a few pills. She followed them with the water and finished the whole glass. She set the glass on the table next to her bed and slowly slid her feet onto the floor. She pushed herself up and started to review the outfits laid out for her to choose from. She looked over at Roman who was viewing her shoe options.

She pushed past him in the closet and started to look for an outfit for herself. Roman turned and looked at her, "What are you doing?" She didn't turn to him. She continued shuffling around the clothes as she spoke, "I don't need you to dress me. I can find something on my own." He reached up and grabbed her hand.

Roman twisted her arm around to force her to face him. She winced in pain and looked up at him. He pulled her closer to him, "You will wear one of the options I have for you on the bed. This is an important meeting and I don't need you to fuck it up." He dropped her arm and pushed her out of the closet.

Tiffany returned to the bed and examined the clothes in front of her. She didn't want to admit it to Roman, but his style was better than hers. Although, these outfits did seem to all be pretty revealing on either the top or bottom. She sighed and picked the outfit in the middle. It was a lowcut white top with a black skirt.

Not the comfiest outfit, but that obviously wasn't the goal here.

She picked up the clothes and turned to face Roman. "I guess I'll wear this." He smirked at her, "Good choice. Now hurry and get ready, we have to leave soon." He crossed his arms and leaned against the opening doorway of the closet. Keeping his eyes glued to her. She pointed towards the door, "Are you going to leave so I can get ready?" Roman chuckled, "I want to stay for the show." Tiffany rolled her eyes.

He was such an ass.

"Sorry, you can't afford me." She crossed her arms and headed towards her bedroom door, "I'll just change in the bathroom." Roman pushed himself off the doorway and quickly stood in front of the door. "I think I can afford the cheapest thing on the block. Hurry and change. Quit testing my patience doll." Tiffany stepped back in shock.

Seriously such a dick.

She sighed loudly and turned around to face away from him. She could feel his eyes on her at all times. She knew that he was watching her every move. After she was fully dressed she turned back to face him. She looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"Can I go freshen up now please?" Roman took a few steps closer to her. He kissed her forehead and stepped aside, "Of course doll. Victor and I will be waiting for you downstairs." Tiffany nodded her head and quickly exited the room.

How could one person make her feel safe and fucking terrified at the same time?

The car ride was quiet. Victor drove as Roman and Tiffany sat in silence. Tiffany and Victor would occasionally exchange glances in the mirror. She could feel him looking her up and down. She'd roll her eyes and he'd laugh.

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