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"I'll give you twenty minutes." Tiffany looked over at Roman in the drivers seat and nodded her head. She reached for the car handle and was stopped by Roman's hand. "Oh doll. Don't tell your friend anything. The less people that know, the better. Got it?" She nodded her head and slid out of the car.

She walked up to the door and reached for the door knob. She started to turn it, but the door flew open. Kat's face lit up with a wide smile. "Tiff!" Kat's arms swung around Tiffany's neck. Tiffany laughed and wrapped her arms around Kat, "It's good to see you too K!" Kat released her and pulled her into apartment.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!! I have to tell you about my trip! OH, and you have to catch me up on all the dirty details with Roman." Tiffany laughed and looked at Kat, "I would really love to hear about your trip Kat. But, I'm on a little bit of a time crunch. I uh... I'm going to stay with Roman for awhile. I'm not actually sure when I'll be back." Kat's smile slowly faded, "What do you mean?"

Tiffany pushed past her friend and made her way to her bedroom. Her reached in her closest and pulled out the biggest bag she had. Kat followed closely behind her, "So you're moving in with Roman?" Tiffany started pulling clothes out of her closet, "Well, kind of. Not officially moving in, just staying with him for awhile!" She started folding clothes and placing them in the bag.

Kat crossed her arms, "You're not in danger are you?" Tiffany stopped and looked down at the ground, "N-no. Why would you say that?" Kat took a step towards her, "He's really Black Mask. isn't he?" Tiffany stopped and took a breath.

She turned and looked at Kat, "No. We're just really hitting it off! He just asked me if I wanted to stay awhile and I said sure. Oh, and he said he'll pay my half of the rent. So you won't have to worry about it." Kat's eyes went wide and she smiled. "Alright. I take it back, I love him!"

Tiffany giggled and looked out the window to Roman's car. She turned back around to face Kat, "I promise to come and visit as much as possible. You'll also have to stop by the club every now and then!" Kat nodded her head and smiled, "Of course I will! Here, let me help you pack and I'll tell you about my trip." Kat helped Tiffany place everything she needed into her suitcase. The two laughed and got caught up on as much as they could.

Kat walked Tiffany to the front door, "Be safe Tiff. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything." Tiffany softly smiled at her, "Same thing goes for you. I'm just a phone call away!" Kat pulled her in and squeezed her tightly.

Tiffany returned the embrace and reluctantly pulled away. She smiled at her friend and turned to walk towards the car. Roman got out and walked around to help her put her bags in the trunk. Once that was done he walked over and held open the passenger door for her.

He threw a smile at Kat, "Thanks for letting me kidnap her." Kat giggled and waved, "Anytime!" Tiffany slid her way into the car and watched as Roman closed her door and returned to his seat.

She watched out the window as they drove off. She mumbled under her breath, "A little too on the nose don't you think?" Roman chuckled and reached over to squeeze her thigh.

"I thought it was funny." She looked down at his hand and quickly pushed it off her leg. She looked over at him, anger in her eyes. "You think this is funny? Fuck you Roman." Roman didn't say anything, he just glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. The rest of the car ride was silent.

When they arrived back to the apartment, Victor was  waiting outside. He grabbed her bags out of the trunk, "Think you have enough shit here?" Tiffany rolled her eyes and followed behind the men.  Victor threw her bags into her room.

She looked between the two men and then turned to go inside her bedroom. Romans hand flung out and grabbed her arm tightly. He jerked her back and she looked up at him, "Ow!" His eyes stayed focused on hers as he spoke, "Zsasz. Please give miss Ambrose and I some space."

Victor smirked and looked at Tiffany, "You got it boss." He slowly turned and walked down the hallway. Tiffany watched him disappear around the corner and looked back to Roman. His hand came up and her throat and he backed her up into the nearest wall. She let out a gasp as she made impact with the wall. Her eyes widened as she looked up at Roman. He had one hand around her throat, the other was against the wall, trapping her in.

He dipped his head down to whisper in her ear, "I think you forgot who's in charge around here. If you ever, speak to me again like you did in the car, there will be a punishment. Understood?" Tiffany nodded her head. Roman slammed his hand on the wall next to her head. She jumped and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

He squeezed his hand on her throat just a little tighter.

"Use your words princess." She felt a tear roll down her cheek, "Y-yes sir. I understand." Roman smirked and kissed her cheek. He released his grip on her throat and took a step back from her. He turned and placed his hands in his pockets as he started walking down the hallway. "Now go get pretty doll. We have some people to meet in the club tonight."

She stood still just staring at the ground. She slowly pushed herself off the wall and made her way into her bedroom. She closed the door behind her and locked it. She slid down the door and brought her knees up to her chest.

Holy shit.

That was horrifying. But, it was also hot as fuck. She took a breath and stared at her bag on the bed. It was fun to see Roman like that.

She wanted to see just how far she could push him. What exactly would he do to her? She pushed herself off the ground and started putting her clothes up in the closet. She pulled out a red leather dress that she was planning on wearing for their next date. "He did say to 'get pretty.'" She laid it out on the bed.

She grabbed her makeup bag and made her way to the bathroom.

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