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Ten years had passed since the incident.

The Joker now had almost complete control of Gotham. Roman continued business at the Black Mask club and Victor had returned to Roman's side.

Once the Joker took over, Victor wasn't getting the attention he wanted anymore. He helped Joker find Roman's safe house and after that, he was no use. Victor begged Roman to let him come back and the two had been inseparable since.

Now the two sat in a booth, discussing the Jokers so called "girlfriend" Harley Quinn. Roman wanted to know everything about her. He knew he couldn't kill the Joker, but he could kill her.

Tit for tat.

Victor spun his glass around on the table, "I don't know boss. I don't think she's going to be easy to get to. You know how he is. If anything happens to her, even just a scratch, he'll kill ya." Roman's eyes roamed through all the people in the club. He nodded his head and took a sip from his drink.

"I know. But, that bitch is constantly in my way. Not to mention when she comes to the bar she fucking drinks anything and everything. I want her gone Zsasz." Victor smirked and leaned forward, "So what's the plan?"


A few weeks had passed and Roman stood anxiously in the shower. He let the hot water fall down his body as he replayed the plan in his head. Every time he saw the Joker he wanted nothing more than to beat him to a pulp. To strangle him with his bare hands.

Roman took a deep breath and turned off the water. He dried himself off and stared into the mirror. When Tiffany died Roman went through a really rough patch.

He got more hooked on drugs than he already was and almost drank himself to death every night. For a long time nobody really knew what happened. Everyone was also too scared to ask.

Of course it didn't take long for all of Gotham to find out though.

Once Batman discovered the scene along with GCPD, it was basically all over the news.

Roman locked himself in the apartment for about a month before rejoining the world again. That's how everyone knew, that maybe he did have a soul. She was his soft spot. And now that she was gone, so was any good left in him.

Roman fixed his hair and made his way into the closet. He picked out one of his white pinstripe suits and quickly changed into it. He checked himself in the mirror one more time and smirked at himself.

He made his way into the living room and met Victor who was holding a drink out for him. Roman smiled and took it, "Ready to go boss?" Roman took a drink and nodded, "More than ready Zsasz. Let's go." The men made their way out the door and downstairs.

Once they arrived in the bar, Roman went straight to bar owner and started greeting everyone. He made sure everyone had drinks and was taken care of.

After about an hour Victor approached Roman, "They're here boss." Roman looked up and saw Joker with Harley, walking over to a booth. Roman cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Kay. Let's do this." The men walked over to the booth and Roman put a wide smile on his face as he slid in across from them. "My favorite couple in Gotham! Good to see you!" Joker smiled and placed his arm around Harley's waist.

"Let's not waste any time Roman. You called this meeting for, what exactly?" Roman cleared his throat and leaned back in the seat, "Well as the two most powerful men in Gotham, I think we should work together." The Joker stared at Roman for a moment and laughed.

Harley twirled her gum around her finger and laughed along with him. She looked at Roman, "Now why would puddin want to work with you?" Roman shrugged, "Think about all the money. The power. Everything you've ever wanted. We just bring our teams together." The Joker nodded slowly, "So what do you have for me tonight?"

Roman smiled and motioned to Victor, "Zsasz. Take our guest here and give him what he wants." Roman looked at Harley and back to Joker, "I'll show your lovely companion around while we wait." The Joker smiled as they all headed up the stairs.

Harley and Roman watched as Victor and Joker disappeared into the hall. Roman walked over to the bar and started to pour himself a drink. He glanced over his shoulder as Harley sat on a bar stool.

He reached in his pocket and carefully pulled out a small baggie of powder. "Would you like a drink?" Harley giggled, "I'd love one!" Roman smirked and poured the powder in her glass before mixing her drink.

He placed it in front of her and he made his way around to take a seat next to her, "So how did you two meet?" Harley smiled widely, "I was actually his psychiatrist at Arkham and I helped him escape!" Roman chuckled and nodded his head, "Where were you when I was there?" Harley laughed and jumped off the chair to look around.

Roman stared at her glass on the table and back to her. She turned to look at him, "Quite the place you got here Romy! Pretty neat stuff!" Roman stopped in his tracks and stared at her.

"What did you say?" She raised an eyebrow and pointed to his decor, "I said you have some pretty neat stuff!" He slowly placed his glass down and walked towards her, "No no. What did you call me?" She smiled and giggled, "Oh! Romy? What you never heard that before or somethin?"

Roman grabbed her by the throat and backed her into the wall. He squeezed her neck tightly, "Don't ever call me that again bitch. I'm so sick of you. Of both of you really. I can't wait for the day that I get to kill you. Oh wait, that would be today." He brought his arm back and punched her across the face.

He grabbed her by the collar and dragged her over to the bar where her drink was. He held her up by her neck and brought the glass to her mouth. "Drink it." She quickly shook her head and tried to push him off. "DRINK IT BITCH." He shoved her to the ground and straddled her.

He shoved the glass against her lips and squeezed her cheeks to get an opening in her mouth. Just as he was about to pour it in, he heard the door slam.

"HARLEY. Let's go." The Joker stormed into the living room and stared at Roman and Harley's bloody cheek. He clapped his hands and circled around them, "I knew something was up. Now you're caught in the act. What are you doing to do Roman? Going to finish what you started?" Roman angrily stared at him. He slowly stood up and walked over to the sink.

He poured the drink out and stared down. The Joker laughed as Harley stood up and pulled on his arm, "C'mon p-puddin." The Joker shoved her off and walked over to Roman. "Better luck next time Romy."

Roman threw the empty glass against a wall and screamed, "Get. Out." The Joker kept laughing as Harley dragged him out of the apartment.

Victor slowly emerged from the hallway, "I'm sorry boss. He was just really paranoid and kept asking questions that I-" Roman threw up a hand. "Get out Zsasz." Victor raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Roman picked up another glass and threw it at Victor, "Get the fuck out!" Without another word Victor quickly left. Roman grabbed his drink off the counter and walked over to the couch.

He finished off the rest of his drink and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his wallet. He opened it, and pulled a photo from one of the pockets.

He slowly unfolded it and stared down at it.

Tiffany's eyes were so mesmerizing. The day he took this picture they were sitting on the couch, and the sun was hitting her face just right.

"Ew Romy get that thing out of my face! I look gross!" She giggled as Roman took different pictures of her. "No doll, I gotta keep these photos for later." Roman winked at her and she rolled her eyes. She finally snatched it out of his hand and looked at it, "Why do you even have a polaroid camera? What is this? The 80's?" Roman chuckled and leaned closer to her, "I like the memory of pictures." She smiled and kissed his lips, "They do last forever."

Roman felt a tear fall down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away and looked at the picture again.

"Next time doll. I promise you."

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