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Warning ⚠️ abuse ⚠️

Kokichi's P.O.V

I love Saihara-Chan. But sadly Kaede got to him first.. I didn't have a chance to confess... their married now and they have a child. I've been lonely since then. Saihara-Chan promised he would at-least visit once a week but he's gotten to busy to do that. I wonder if Saihara-Chan forgot about me. I wonder if his life would be better if I weren't here. I wonder if he'll ever come to visit? To break the silence and the loneliness my home contains. I wonder... will I be able to tell Saihara-Chan my secrets?

I slowly opened my eyes, hearing my alarm clock scream at me was just reminding me that it's just another boring day. I got up and changed my clothes and put on the same checkered scarf that I wear everyday. I out of my room and walked into the living room, checking the clock that was on the wall. 1:26 am I had work at 2 so I could probably do some things before I go to work. I look around seeing all the papers that I don't care about. 'what a mess' I thought, 'I don't even feel like cleaning up.' I sat down and grabbed my phone. I felt like bugging Saihara-Chan today.

Saaaaaaihaaaaaaaraaaaaaa-chaaaaaaaaaaaan when will you come to visit me? It's getting super duper boring here without you!

Ouma-kun? I'm at work right now can you please text me later?

do you think I care? Nishishi~

Please Ouma-kun?

Grapeboi: If you're not coming over to visit then I'll just wait for you at your house. >:c

You know where I live?

Yup! I do~ or maybe thats a lie?

Saihara-Chan didn't answer.. I felt the tears starting to fall down my face. 'I know Saihara-Chan is really busy... I just wish he could at least come and visit for 10 minutes' I grabbed a pillow from next to me and cried into that pillow until I was finished crying.

My Parents Were Right when they said I was going to end up alone. Forever.

I looked up at the the clock again. 3:00.
"FUCK" I yelled rushing out the door and going to my job. I didn't want to be late. I could be fired if I was late. I couldn't afford to be fired. When I got there my lungs where on fire I slowly opened the door and there were a 3 people behind the counter. I walked behind the counter and mentally prepared myself for a shitty day.


As I left the cafe I started walking towards Saihara's house with a basket of cookies in my left hand. I was tired of being lonely at my house. I really wanted to see Saihara-Chan. I was ready for my heart to ache, I was ready to fake my smiles.
I got to the door but something was wrong there was yelling... I knocked and the screaming didn't stop so I opened the door a little bit and saw Kaede about to hit Ace their 11 year old child. Memories of my parents locking me in cupboards and abusing me all came back. My feet took off on its own and walked in-front of Kaede before the child could get hit. Kaede didn't stop she punched me.. and it hurt like hell.
"You hit like a girl, Kaede! Nishishi~" I said, faking my smile through the pain. She looked surprised but she soon started to look very angry.
"What are *hic* you doing here you stupid bitch." Kaede said. She was drunk.. this isn't a safe place for Ace to stay. I turned to Ace.
"You want to come to my house? It'll be safer and you can call your Dad on the way there." I asked him he responded with a nod and walked out the door. I came after him then started leading the way.
"How do you know my Dad?" Ace asked, I smiled sadly, remembering when got to hang out with Saihara all I wanted in school.
"We used to go to school together. I wouldn't be surprised if Saihara didn't really talk about me much. Nishishi~" I said, handing my phone over to him so he could talk to Saihara. He was talking to Saihara-Chan until we got to my house. Ace handed over the phone to me as I opened the door for him and let him in, following him in I closed the door. Ace sat on my couch and hugged the pillow I was crying into earlier.

Ace's P.O.V
When I sat down I looked over to The man who was called a bitch earlier and looked him straight in the eyes, something Dad could never do. But looking into someone's eyes really helped you to determine if they were telling the truth or lying.
"What are you going to do with me?" I asked. He looked over at me with a smile, a gentle smile.
"Hmmmm. I don't know what will I do with you?" The small man asked, I hugged the pillow tighter.
"B-beat me up?"
"Of course not, I'm just gonna be waiting for your father to come over." He said. Truth.
"Whats you name?" I asked, he seemed sad for a moment but out his smile right back one.
"Kokichi Ouma! The Ultimate Supreme Leader. Nishishi~" Ouma-kun said, energetically
"Why did you stand in front of me when I was about to get hit?" I asked.
Ouma-kun smiled wider, but his eyes.. had so much sadness...
So much loneliness.
"Because I wanted to be hit." Ouma said. Lie.
"Why would you even want to be hit?" I ask.
"Because I wanted to start a fight with Kaede. But I couldn't because a child was there." Lie
Silence. Then came a knock on the door.

Kokichi's P.O.V

I skipped over to the door and opened it. Revealing a angry Saihara-Chan. I see he still has his stupid hat he probably still has his stutter.
"Hello, Shumai! Whatcha so angry about?" I ask Saihara, he only got angered even more.
"I-I can't believe K-Kaede would do that!" Saihara yelled stomping into the house, "Probably going to have to d-divorce her now. But th-then where would I stay? H-houses are so expensive..."
"Both Of you can stay with meeeeeee~" I said. The emo went quiet.
"No I don't think so Ouma-kun. We'll probably just stay at Kaito's house." Saihara said as he got up and picked up Ace
who was now sleeping leaving me alone. Smiling, as tears ran down my face, I closed the door and said
"I must be such an annoying brat.. I'm sorry..."

The end of chapter 1


The sadness in his eyes (Saiouma)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora