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Shuichi's P.O.V
I just woke up and and was getting toast for myself since Ouma-kun didn't have anything else. I wondered why..
But the strangest thing was whenever I started thinking about getting a house and moving out it made me feel sad. I will admit it is kinda nice to hang out with him.. but to think that maybe I could stay at his house? Maybe not. Just then I heard a door open and footsteps, getting a little bit louder. I looked behind me. Ouma-kun was awake. But with different clothes on? He had a skeleton hoodie on, obviously he was still wearing his scarf.
"Your wearing something else?" I asked, without stuttering which seemed to surprise Ouma-kun. But he smiled at me and answered my question.
"Yes I am. Y'know I don't have to wear the saaaaaaame thing everyday!" Ouma-Kun says. I nodded as the toast popped up I picked it up and I began to eat it.
"Have you began thinking about a house?" Ouma-kun asks, looking too the side and criss-crossing his arms.
"Y-yes, actually I have m-my eyes on a house." I say, Ouma looked to the other side. Ouma-kun looked kind of sad. Did he not want me to go? Ouma whispered something I couldn't hear.
"What was that Ouma-kun?" I asked, he looked at me and gave me a devilish smile. 'What is he thinking of doing?' I thought.
"It was nothing Saihara-Chan. Nishishi~ anyways I'm going to this prison you call work." Ouma-kun says, walking away and waving. I still really didn't believe Ouma-kun would wear something different today. 'He used to call school a prison too' I thought, lightly chuckling and smiling. My smile slowly turned into a frown I forgot to tell Ouma-kun that I already bought the house I was talking about and that me and Ace were going today after I got off of work. Realizing it was work time I went into the living room silently saying goodbye to Ace and leaving the house.


Kokichi's P.O.V
When I got through the door of my home and closed it, Ace looked at me like an alien.
"Hey! Stop looking me like that! I'm aloud to wear a hoodie right?" I say, pointing at him.
"It's just strange" Ace replies, I put down my finger and start fake crying.
"Ace your so mean!" I replied, going to my corner and pouted in it with my back to Ace, Ace giggled a little. But then it went silent. I turned around.
"Is something wrong?" I ask knowing that I don't want to sound to nice I added, "You are lucky the supreme leader is caring enough to ask about you problems.."
If I made it seem like I was a nice person then my mask would be all for nothing, if I take off my mask fro one second he could stomp on it. Don't look like a nice person.
"We are moving in to a new house today and I don't really want to go." Ace says, "I consider you as a friend and I'm going to miss you."
Someone..is going to miss me? That's the first time I've ever heard those words. I felt like crying, I didn't want them to go. I didn't want to be alone again. But someone was going to miss me?
"That's the first time...Anyone has ever said that to me" I realized what I said and quickly said something else, "Nishishi~ that was a lie!
Ace went quiet and I went into my room. I was always going to be lonely, picking up a knife from under my bed I made a few cuts on my arms and put the knife back down.


I heard the knocks on the door and there was Saihara-Chan, ready to go to his new home. I said goodbye to both of them and waved, energetically. When they were out of sight I slammed my door, fell onto the living room carpet and started sobbing. I might get a noise complaint but I didn't care. I was alone.

The end of chapter 8

The sadness in his eyes (Saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now