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Nobody's P.O.V

"Th-That's a lie right" Shuichi asked, desperately, not waning to know that one of his friends was torturing his boyfriend. Kokichi, picked that up and got ready to yell it's a lie so Shuichi didn't have to deal with the truth. 'I can do this on my own anyway' The small boy thought, putting his hands together as if he were praying.
  "USO DAYO!" Kokichi yelled, putting his hands in the air, above his head, "silly shu thought that was the truth."
  "K-Kokichi please don't lie like that again." Shuichi says, letting out a sigh of relief and went in the kitchen to get Kokichi's lunch. Frowning Kokichi looked out a window and waited fo shu to come back. 'I'll just have to figure out a way to do it on my own.' Kokichi's thought, putting a finger to his chin, 'but how would I do that? I could go over to Kaito's with Shuichi and guess-' I was snapped out my my thoughts, literally. Shu-Chan was standing in front of me with my food in one hand while the other hand was snapping.
"Kokichi?" Shu asked, not entirely sure if I was listening or not. I opened my mouth and softly but Shumai's hand. Shumai quickly took his hand away, muttering a ow.
"Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ I told you to call me a nickname!!!" I whined.
"Th-that's not a reason to bite someone, Ki-KUN!" Saihara yelled, giving me my food. He was obviously a little bit upset.
"Shuumaaai~ can you get me a new nickname? I don't wanna be the only one who has tons of nicknames for everyone!" I whined, again putting my food beside me to cling Shuichi's arm and beg him. It only took a minute for Shu to give in and give me a new nickname. When he did I let go of his arm and grabbed my food to eat.
"Ko?" He tried, I shook my head.
"Ki?" He tried again, getting a little nervous.
"No dummy you're already using that one!" I stated, pointing my fork at him that had food one it. Shuichi made lower The for to the plate and tried guessing again as I began to eat my food.
  "Chi?" Shumai guessed again, I smiled but it felt like there was something missing. I took another bite of my food.
  "Somethings missing from it..." I responded, smiling. Shumai smiled and did a sigh of relief, glad the guessing game was over. Shu put a finger on his chin as he was trying to think. In the time he was thinking I was able to finish my food. I got up and put my empty plate in the sink. I walked out of the kitchen and back into the living room, you could tell by the look of his face he was thinking hard. I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder, smiling as I slowly fell asleep.

I awoke in the same spot. I took my head off of Shuichi's shoulder to ask him if he had come up with a nickname yet but when I turned my head to face him all what a saw was horrible. His throat had been cut open, and there was a lot of blood that dried, both of his eyes were missing. Instead of eyes he had a mouse's head shoved into his eye socket. Blood was all over his face and the mouse's face. He had duck tape over his mouth and a bloody note in his lap. I took my shaking hand and forced it to grab the note,
I told you there would be hell.
Those 7 words were enough to make me freak out and scream. Not just because of the note... but because of Shumai. He.. shu-Chan's.... DEAD. Tears started pouring out of my eyes as I truly saw what my surroundings looked like. Blood was all over the walls, it looked like someone tried to use the walls as a canvas. Looking a little to the left I saw Ace's dead rotting body right up against the wall. His eyes were missing too. But this time the blood wasn't dry, the blood was dripping down his face. It indicated that this was fresher. I looked a little lower and saw that his stomach had been cut open, his squishy intestines were spilling out everywhere along with his blood with a cat's head on top of it, the cat had something in it's mouth. I felt the food that I ate earlier make its way up to my throat. I covered my mouth in hope that it would keep my from puking up all of my food. But sadly, I didn't succeed. My lunch spilled out onto the floor. It was a disgusting greenish orangish color. Just smelling it made me want to puke more but I managed to keep it down. I started hyperventilating as I remembered the bloody scene from the car crash with D.I.C.E my hands were shaking, it was getting hard to breath but I reached for the note that was in the cat's mouth and took it out.

The sadness in his eyes (Saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now