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No ones P.O.V

Kokichi was laying in his bed, finally asleep, finally dreaming. When morning came the alarm was screaming yet again Kokichi was tired of hearing the alarm so he picked it up and threw at the wall. 'Fucking alarm clocks ruining my sleep' Kokichi thought, getting out bed and walked into the living room and there was sitting Shuichi and Ace on the couch, talking together.
  "Hey Kokichi?" Ace asked, stopping the conversation he had with his Dad.
  "Yeessssssss?" The grape replied.
  "How come there isn't any food in your fridge? It's only grape Panta." Ace said, pointing to the kitchen. Ouma-kun was barely ever hungry so he didn't really bother to go buy food the only food he ever bought was bread.
  "Because I realllllly love grape Panta. Nishishi~" Kokichi replied, sitting on the floor. Kokichi knew he had a day off of work today. Wait...
  "Ace, don't you go to school?" Kokichi asked.
  "Yes I do go to school. I do online school though" Ace says, as he looks over to his father to continue his conversation. Kokichi decided to play some video games so he turned switch and started playing smash. When he was playing smash he remembered playing smash with D.I.C.E, 'I really miss them' Kokichi thought. Shuichi got up he almost forgot he had to go to work. The emo was about to go out the door when he turned around and looked at Kokichi.
"Can I h-have my h-hat b-back please?" Shuichi asked nicely, holding out his hand so The grape boi could put his hat in his hands.
  "Hooooooow abbbbboooooooout.. No. Nishishi~" Kokichi said, "your stupid hat always makes it impossible for me to look at your beautiful eyes!"
"Kokichi plea-" Shuichi was about to say but was cut of.
"You should try looking into someone's eyes, Shumai~" Ouma-kun said, Ace silently agreed with Kokichi. Shuichi said his goodbyes and left for work. Kokichi went into the kitchen and made toast. He put the plate of toast on the table.
"There's toast on the table" Kokichi said, "you can have it."
Ace went into the kitchen and ate the toast. The toast was really tasty, it had the right amount of butter spread on it. When Ace finished he walked back into the living room. Ouma-kun was there still playing smash, on the couch right next to a pillow.
"Was your hair died purple?" Ace asked.
"Nope! This is how my hair alwaaaaaaaaaaays was. Or was that lie? We'll never know! Nishishi~" Kokichi said, not aware that Ace could tell that was the truth. Ace sat down on the couch and decided to watch Kokichi play smash.
  "Kokichi?" Ace asked, Kokichi paused his game and looked at Ace and nodded a little bit, letting Ace know that he could ask the question.
  "Will I be safe here? What if Mom tries to find me?" Ace asked, Ouma-kun went silent for a while.
  "I'm sure you'll be safe here. If your Mom did come here to try to find you I could show you a nice hiding spot or take you to one of my treehouses." Kokichi replies, "do I have a treehouse? Maybe I don't have a treehouse, maybe I do. Can you figure it out? Nishishi~"
Ouma un-paused his game and continued playing. Silence over-took them for a while.
  "Ouma-kun?" Ace asked.
  "Yes?" Kokichi replies.
  "Why don't you have a lot of food?"
  "Nishishi~ because I always eat burgers from fast food places." Kokichi says, smiling. 'That was a lie' Ace thought, 'why would he lie about that though?'
  "That has to be a lie." Ace points out.
  "Why does it have to be a lie? Detective #2." Ouma-kun says, giving Ace a smug smile.
  "If you ate fast food everyday... why do you look so skinny?" Ace asks.
  "You really are like a detective #2! Well if you haaaaave to know it's because I do push-ups everyday! Nishishi~" Kokichi says, lying again. Lies surround Ouma-kun. He surrounds himself in too many lies.
  "You don't look like you do push-ups everyday, Ouma-kun." Ace says.
   "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Kokichi fake cries, "are you calling me weak? That's so mean!!"
"I'm not calling you weak. I'm calling you a liar." Ace said but when he thought about it he kinda did call Ouma-kun weak. Probably cause Ouma-kun is weak.
"I'm not a liar! Meaaaaaanie!" Kokichi lies again, his fake tears streaming down him face, "I didn't know you could be so meeeeeeean!"
Ace decided to give up on calling out on all of his lies, The little grape boi lies to much, it would be many lies to call out on if Ace kept calling out on his lies. Ace really did want to know the truth though. 'If there was a way to get Ouma-kun to stop lying.' Ace thought, looking up at the ceiling. Ace began thinking of plans to get him to stop lying. But then he thought, 'why does Ouma-kun lie so much? If someone where to call out on his lie he would lie. It was like he is made up out of lies.


The dense emo knocked on the door and was let in by Ace. Saihara took of his shoes and took a couple steps inside.
  "SAAAAAAIHAAAAAAAARAAAAAA-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" Kokichi yelled running towards Shumai and tackling him making them both fall to the floor, "I missed yooooooou! Nishishi~"
  "U-uhm thanks? But can you g-get off of me no-now?" Saihara asked.
  "Nope~ I'm comfy." Ouma said smiling, hugging Shuichi.
  "Can you p-please get off of me?" Shumai asked again.
  "When you get ask with-out stuttering, Shumai!" Ouma answered.
  "Please get off of me?" Shuichi said without stuttering, Ouma-kun was surprised the Shuichi did it in one try. Kokichi got up.
  "Okkkkaaaaay~ Only because Shumai asked so nicely." Ouma says as Saihara gets up.
"Shumai! You're son bullied meeee!!" Ouma said, faking his tears yet again. Shuichi gave Kokichi a stern look.
"What?" Saihara asked, with visible confusion.
"He called me a liar and called me weaaaaak! WAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAH" Ouma wailed, "Okay I feel better now."
"Ouma-kun, you are a liar though." Shuichi responded.
"I didn't know mister detective was so meaaaaan!" Kokichi said walking off into a corner and pouted, "Shumai is so meeeeeeean!"
Shuchi looked at Kokichi, 'sometimes he can be so cute... wait.. what?' Shuichi thought. Kokichi sat down in the corner and started pouting more.
"Meanies, you better apologize!" Kokichi yelled pointing his finger at Shuichi.
"Why though?" Ace asks, "I was telling the truth."
This made Kokichi bring out more fake tears.
"But you called me weak and a liar! Apologies!!" Kokichi yelled again.
"I-I'm sorry Ouma-kun." Shuichi says.
"It's okaaay shuuuuuuuuuuu~" Ouma-kun smiles and gets up and skips away.
"Wait Ouma-kun!" Ace yelled out, making Kokichi stop in is tracks, "Why do you lie so much?"

"Because it's fun!" Ouma-kun says, and starts skipping into the kitchen. Frowning, Ouma-kun looked into his cupboards.

'I lie to keep myself safe' Kokichi thought, thinking about all the times he trusted someone and got hurt. The poor grape almost started crying.

The sadness in his eyes (Saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now