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Shuichi's P.O.V
It was a few months later, in the middle of the night, on my bed, I was thinking about Ouma-Kun and all his lies I could try to solve. I wondered if Ouma-kun ever got lonely...


Another month later, again in the middle of the night I began thinking more about Ouma-Kun. Like why did he have to face the other way when he asked me if I saw a house I wanted.


I had finally realized another month later that Ouma-Kun hated being alone. Everything made sense..
Ouma-kun was abused no one ever noticed because the bruises were always hidden very well. His parents probably told him he was going to be alone forever, they probably did horrible things to him. When Ouma-kun asked if I was looking for any houses he was looking away because he didn't want me to try and find out what he was feeling by looking at his face. How did I just realize that now?! Ouma-kun could be suffering right now. I quickly stood up and ran out the door of my room to get Ace,


I ran up to Ouma-Kun's door and knocked on it. Nothing. I knocked on his door again. I repeatedly knocked on his door getting more and more worried. Soon, the door opened and I actually had enough courage to look at Ouma-Kun's eyes. His eyes were red and puffy.
  "Ouma? Are you alright?" Ace asked, his face showing so much concern. Ouma-kun smiled in return.
  "Of-course I am! Supreme leaders are always fine!" Ouma yells, putting a fake smile on his face.
"Can you stop lying Ouma-kun? You look like you've been crying." Ace says. Ouma-kun made a face of worry and began to shut the door. But I swiftly put my foot in between so the door wouldn't close, slowly opening the door. I realized Ouma-kun was gone. We were playing one of his hide and seek games.
"Do you know where he could be hiding?" Ace asked, worriedly looking around.
"I d-dont know" I say, "maybe I-if we wait h-he wi-will come out."


Kokichi's P.O.V
I didn't know how long it was but the noise had stopped for a really long time. 'Maybe they gave up and left' I thought slowly getting out from my hiding spot, which was my locked room that was now unlocked. I slowly walked towards the living room, realizing Saihara and Ace were still here. Before I could turn around Saihara-Chan grabbed my wrist, making me wince. 'I hope Shumai didn't notice.' I thought, looking up in Saihara-Chan's eyes. Surprisingly he didn't look away.
"What's w-wrong Ouma-kun?" Ace asks, as he for up from the couch and walked over. I shook my head.
"Nothing is wrong!" I lied.
"Th-That's a l-lie. O-Ouma-kun you can tell us. Y-You d-don't have t-to tell us all of it. We just wa-want to help." Shumai says, "W-we care"
I look down at the ground a tear escaping my left eye, "y-you care?" I ask.

Shuichi's P.O.V

"Yes we care" Ace said. Ouma-kun went silent, he closed his eyes and fell on me. Ouma's head fell on my shoulder as I picked him up. He felt alarmingly light. Even Ace could carry him.
"Feels like he hasn't eaten a lot" I say, "do you think he should stay with us? So we can help him?"
Ace nodded and walked out the house with me we got in the car. I carefully put Ouma-kun in the front seat and buckled him in. Ace got in the back and buckled in and I got in front of the wheel and buckled in. The car ride home was relaxing but sad at the same time, both wondering if Ouma would be alright.


Me and Ace walked in the house. I had Ouma in my arms so the first thing I did was walk into my room and put him on my bed, hopefully it'll be comfier than sleeping on the couch.

When I got out of my room and said goodnight to Ace I was on the couch, wondering.

'Why did Ouma-Kun wince when I grabbed his wrist?' I though. Beginning to think of all the possibilities why I paled at the last possibility...

The end of chapter 9

The sadness in his eyes (Saiouma)Where stories live. Discover now