Book report

437 11 17

Y/N - your name
L/N - last name
# - any number because I don't want to give away an actual phone number by accident.
Your POV
I was in my reading class, bored out of my mind. Mrs. Armstrong was so boring. But then my ears perked up. She said that we were doing a book report on the book we just finished in class, Gathering Blue. It was about symbolism and how it was used in the book. She also said we had assigned partners. Nooooo! I was going to do this with my best friend! Oh well.

"The groups are:
Ramisa and Alek
Andrew and Dennis
Selena and Magnus
Harry and Ron
Meg and Calvin
Miranda and Luis
Giana and Luke
Charlie and Vangeli
Todd and Lucia
And Y/N and Malcolm."

Seriously. Of all the people I could've been paired up with, I was partnered up with my crush. Uh oh.

"Hey, your Y/N right? Could I have your number so I know where to meet you after school?" Oh my gods, he's talking to me. Uh Y/N, it's only for the project.

"S-s-sure. It's ###-###-####." Why did I stutter. Ugh, so embarrassing.

"Cool. See you later."

Time skip to later cuz dam

Malcolm's POV
Oh my gods, I was right outside Y/N's door. I've had a crush on Y/N since the beginning of the school year, and it's only grown since then. I was in total shock that we were paired up for this project, but also remembered to keep my cool, otherwise she would've probably thought I was weird. Anyways, I just rang the doorbell, waiting for Y/N to open to door.

"Oh, hey Malcolm! You can go up to my bedroom, the first room on the right. I'll be right up in a sec."

Woah. I'm in Y/N L/N's house! How did that happen? I try to calm down, right before Y/n comes in with some popcorn.

"I thought we could use a snack." How thoughtful. Gods, she is so perfect.

Your POV
We just finished out project. I have no idea why she gave us a week to do it. It was so easy. We got it done in 2 hours. I wish it had taken longer so that I could've spent more time with Malcolm, but he is just so smart and clever. Not that it's a bad thing...

"Hey Y/N." Malcolm says right before he leaves my house.

"Can I comeback tomorrow?" Huh? Why does he want to come back?

"We finished the project today? Why would you need to come back?" I was genuinely confused.

Malcolm's POV

"I was hoping we could just hang out or something. Unless you don't want to of course." What if she doesn't want to hang out? What if she hates me? What if I hate her? No. Snap out of it Malcolm.

"S-sure. I'll m-message you the time." Gods, it is so cute when she stutters.

I quickly peck her cheek on the way out. She blushed so hard, and she looked adorable. I had a good feeling about tomorrow.

So how was it? I know it wasn't bad, but it could've been better. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my book. It means a lot to me.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now