The Promised Oneshot

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This is the oneshot I promised if you read the last A/N thing. If you didn't, that's ok too.


"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some well deserved attention." Y/N said while poking her husband's arm.

"Seriously?! I'm trying to work!" Malcolm shouted, extremely frustrated. He loved his wife, but she was really annoying sometimes.

"Can you go somewhere else while I'm trying to work?" Malcolm asked, trying to sound calm. Y/N only wanted attention for one reason; it was their 3 year anniversary. She just wanted to feel special on this magical day, but apparently Malcolm had forgotten.

"Don't tell me you forgot." Y/N stated, eyes filling with tears.

"Forgot what?" Malcolm asked, genuinely confused. Y/N couldn't take it, so she ran out of the home office.

She wasn't sure whether she should leave for a bit or stay, but she ended up staying. It was too cold and she was too lazy to change.

She locked herself in the bathroom, hoping to seclude herself from Malcolm. It didn't work. He found her hiding spot, and started begging from the outside to tell him what he forgot. Y/N couldn't take it anymore and shouted, "OUR ANNIVERSARY! T-t-the o-nly time I want y-your full attention. The d-day we were married."

Malcolm couldn't believe he had forgotten something so important, and he had to make it up to Y/N, no matter what.

"Hey Y/N," Malcolm tried to reason. "How about I make all the food you want?" Now, this may seem random and like it wasn't going to work, but it saved their marriage before (long story), and it will do it again.


"Everything." At that Y/N came out. She just couldn't resist.

"And, I'll take the next week off for you. All my attention will be on you."

"Dam, you really know me well. A little too well."

"DO you want the food or nah?"


Ok yeah. Sorry for this abomination. 

If you have any ideas or requests (or even hate cuz idc), feel free to leave it all in the comments.

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now