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This part is by @Sotamshipper24 and yeah. 

(N/N) - nickname


My boyfriend, Malcolm, and I were snuggling in bed late at night (He was the big spoon) when he lifted his head up to look at you and asked, "(N/N),do you ever think of our future?" 

"Like what?" You replied, turning your head to look at him. 

"Like what our kids will look like, what personalities they will have, that sort of thing." 

"I didn't know you thought about that sort of thing, but yeah, I do......" soft smiles graced your features as you talked about what you wanted your future to be like until dawn. 

But you both knew that you didn't care. As long as you were together.

I really liked that one. Nice and fluffy.

If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.

I guess that's all for me. 

Malcolm Pace x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now