Supercorp Rant

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So, before I post that super super super angsty one shot, here is a rant about Supercorp.

If there is anyone who knows any CW writer or maybe if a CW writer is reading this, please stop doing whatever you are trying to do.

It is fucked up that just because they want queer people to watch Supergirl they keep baiting us. After a while, it is really exhausting pining after the characters becoming a canon.

Also, let us all admit that if it was "Leo Luthor" instead of "Lena Luthor", Supercorp would've been a canon from the very second scene.

Since only because William knew Kara's coffee order it's the greatest slow burn ever.

It's the same when they tried to get Lena and James together it was just Lame (Which is also their ship name, I mean get a clue there)

Here is a simple solution. Either make them a canon or stop trying to prove that Lena filled Kara's office with flowers and then said " Kara Danvers, You are my Hero" in that seductive manner or she chose Supergirl over her 5-year-old relationship or that only Kara could break her walls when she didn't want to let anyone in or the way they look at each other or those "Friendly Dates" they go on or the constant parallels between them and canon ship or Lena and Kara looking at each other's photos longingly and being devastated over the fact that they are no longer friends is just platonic and "Friendship" or "Gals just being pals".

Also, do these writers realise that in 5x06 Kara said that she can't give up on Lena, in 5x13 she said that she'll accept her if she came back to her and in 5x19 she just pretended that all that was nothing and "If you are looking for absolution you won't get it"?

I mean the plot holes are just embarrassing by this point.

Sorry, I am just frustrated with all the people saying that they are just friends.


It won't be coming till the end of tomorrow maybe, but I should warn you that it might contain self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Brace yourselves. I was in a really bad mood when I started writing that and my words just flow weirdly. So, it might not be the best one-shot.

That's it. I am done with my rant. Tell me what you guys feel. I'd love to talk more about it.

(Also, please incline more towards making them canon than stop that queerbaiting. Cause I am rooting for those two dorks to be together. Thank you!)

Supercorp One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now