Chapter Five

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*At Françoise Dupont High School*

"Girl," Alya started, "Are you okay? You seem dazed"

"Oh sorry, Alya!" Marinette smiled, "I was up last night finishing homework"

"We didn't have a lot of homework, " Alya raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay, girl?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired" She answered. The truth was, she wasn't fine at all. She couldn't stop thinking about Chat Noir. His silly jokes always made her laugh, and how he always managed to stay positive in the worst of situations. She was so comfortable around him, he was someone who she could tell anything, she felt almost like they could be more than pa- No. Marinette shut the thought down. She liked Adrien and only Adrien. Right? So then why does her mind keep going back to that adorable face he makes when he talks to her?

"Okay girl," Alya confronted her, "I know that look and you don't look tired, you look tired because you've been thinking of something," then she smirked and looked at her best friend's sketchbook, "Or someone"

"Oh please," Marinette said, "I don't spend all night thinking about someone.."

"Then explain this," She said as she grabbed Marinette's sketchbook and pointed to Marinette's latest design, It was a Chat Noir inspired black dress with a bell-pendant necklace, a cat-ear hairstyle, and a belt that hung down like Chat Noir's tail.

"Looks to me as if someone's got two celebrity crushes!" she winked at Marinette.

"Crush? No, he just inspired me, that's all."

Alya smiled at Marinette, "Wow, you must have had to look at someone a whole lot to get inspired by him" She squealed, "And stayed up all night thinking about him. Marichat fur life!"

"Marichat?" She asked, "What's that?... Oh no. Besides, he probably has many other girls who want to be his girlfriend"

"You want to be his girlfriend?"

"N-n-no!" Marinette stammered, "I-I-"

"Okay, class." Miss Bustier clapped to get their attention, ending the very interesting conversation with Marinette, "Turn your books to chapter fifteen and we'll get started."

Marinette started to open her book when Alya nudged her, "Hey Marinette," Alya whispered, " Look at this, "

She showed her phone which had a clip of today's news, "Don't be bemused, it's just the news! I'm here at the Eiffel Tower where Ladybug and Chat-," Suddenly, a black and white picture flew over and sank into her shoulder, Nadja's eyes narrowed, " What are you camera people doing?" She yelled, " I hate news and I hate people!" Marinette frowned. That was different, she thought, Nadja loves the news and people. What was going on?

"Alya Césaire." Miss Bustier said, "How many times do I have to tell you, no phones in class!"

"Sorry Miss" Alya said as she put her phone back.

Marinette raised her hand, "Miss, may I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course, Marinette" Marinette rushed out of the room.

Adrien, who had been listening to the news as well, heard about Nadja's strange behavior and sensed an akuma attack, "May I go as well Miss?"

"Okay, Adrien" Miss Bustier said.

Marinette raced to the girls' bathroom and shut the door behind her. Then, making sure that no one else was in the bathroom, she released Tikki from her purse, "Marinette," Tikki said, "Paris is in danger! Did you see what happened to Nadja?"

" I know Tikki, Marinette frowned, "It's like her personality got switched to the polar opposite! Well, there's only one thing left to do now," She said, "Tikki, Spots On!"

POUND IT! (On hiatus until my brain cooperates with me...)Where stories live. Discover now