28. Meeting you

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Tom's POV:

I opened my eyes and flinched when I realized I wasn't in a place that I recognized. I quickly calmed down, however, remembering I was in a plane and on my way to see Tord. I relaxed and rested my head back against the window.

I stared outside at he clouds that passed us. I was never this close to clouds before. I smiled, feeling relaxed. I rubbed my eyes, waking up completely as I checked the time. My plane was landing in just 20 minutes. The flight really didn't take so long, only a bit over two hours.

I sighed. I was really excited to go and see Tord. Finally. Finally I'd be able to hold him in my arms. I was already pretty sure Tord knew I was on my way to see him. When we got to the airport, I called him and told him to go to the airport and at what time. I didn't tell him why, but come on. It's obvious, isn't it?

He said his parents will take him there, but mostly what he asked was why. Deep down, he already knew. It couldn't really be a complete suprise, but was it unexpected? Yes. I chuckled to myself. I couldn't wait, I just wanted to go see him. Thankfully, I won't have to wait long anymore.

'I told you we'd meet soon, Tordy. I told you.'

Tord's POV:

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening!" Pat repeated for the hundredth time in the past hour. "Calm down, dad, maybe it's just something else.." I said. I knew it was unlikely, but just the thought that Tom could be on his way to see me right at this moment was...unbelievable.

"And what else could it be!?" Paul joined him as they freaked out together. They were very VERY excited to meet Tom. I was the only one that tried staying calm, but in my head, I was internally freaking out as well.

"I...I don't know, but maybe he's just pranking me?" I suggested. I knew it was very unlikely, but nothing's impossible. Like the chance that a cow could kill you is low, but it's never zero...
"You don't sound that excited about your boyfriend coming to visit." Pat pointed out.

I sighed. "Of course I am, but it just sounds so unreal.. Is this a dream?" I pinched my arm and flinched in pain. No, I was quite sure I was conscious and wide awake. It was quiet for a few moments until Paul gasped while looking at the clock. "We should really get going! We don't wanna be late, after all!"

Before I knew it, we were already in the car and ready to go. Pat carried me into the car and we put my wheelchair in the trunk. My heart was beating out of my chest as I heard the engine roar. We were really going. My cheeks were on fire. It felt like anxiety, but in a good way? I don't know, I'm bad at describing my feelings.

As we got closer and closer to the airport, I started sweating. Reality dawned on me as I properly realized what we were doing. This was actually happening. This was real and yet, it felt like the fakest dream ever.

I got nervous. What-ifs started invading my thoughts as I thought of all the situations that could happen. He might have said that he will take care of me, but what if he gets tired of me? My uselessness, my disability?

He will see all the flaws I have, the ones that aren't visible on camera. Every imperfection, every bad personality trait. I shut my teary eyes. No. I trusted Tom with my life. I loved him and I knew he loved me back. If I didn't mean anything to him, he wouldn't fly all the way here...right?

I smiled lightly. I couldn't wait. I really couldn't. Not anymore.

*time skip*

We got to the airport and my dads sat down on a bench, I was just chilling next to them on my wheelchair. That was a good thing about not being able to walk, right? You can just sit all the time.

We were told to wait here at this place. He should be here in just 10 minutes. I was nervous.
"How you feeling, kiddo?" Pat asked me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder reassuringly "I'm honestly a bit scared, but I'm also really excited!" I replied, smiling at him awkwardly.

I leaned more into his arms and he hugged me. I immediately felt calmer as I smiled wider. I was so grateful to have these amazing parents. They protected me from this cruel cold world. He let go of me and patted my shoulder. "You'll be alright."

As we waited, I distracted myself with my phone. I scrolled through our old chats, feeling my cheeks heat up. At this point, I was in my own little world. And there was nothing that could wake me up from it...until...


No one's POV:

Tord looked up in suprise and his eyes filled with tears. 'No... It can't possibly be...' He thought when he met eyes with a certain person. He stared into his dark eyes as the guy waved at him. "...Tom.!?"

Tom immediately ran towards him with the widest smile he had ever had. Before Tord could react, a pair of strong arms wrapped around him. Reality hit Tord and he immediately hugged Tom back, squealing from happiness as he pulled Tom closer to him while his parents were smiling proudly at their son.

Suddenly, Tom lifted Tord up carefully and held him bridal style. Tord blushed in suprise and burried his face in Tom's hoodie, sobbing. This was real. It wasn't just a dream. It wasn't just his fantasy. He was here. And Tord was, at last, in his arms.

Tom couldn't help but join Tord in crying and he held him close. He didn't plan on letting him go any time soon. After what felt like hours, Tom sat down next to Pat and Paul with Tord in his lap, still hugging the dear life out of him.

Tom awkwardly introduced himself to the two and they talked for a bit before they went to go get his luggage. Tord wouldn't let go of Tom so he just carried him on his back while Pat took care of the wheelchair.

Before they knew it, they were back in the car with a new passanger abroad. Tord sat next to Tom, hanging onto him like a child. Tom didn't mind at all, he just held his petite boyfriend close.

Tord still didn't stop crying, it all felt so unreal to him, but it always hit him in the face that this was actually happening. When they arrived back at the house, Tom picked him up again and carried him inside, looking around the rooms.

"You've got a nice house." Tom said with a smile. Tord just nodded, grinning uncontrollably. He told him where his room is and so they made their was in there. Tom carefully sat Tord down on his bed and sat next to him.

At this point, Tord had stopped crying, he just stared at Tom with hearts in his eyes. It amused Tom. "You look even more adorable in person, Tordie." The pastel boy giggled and blushed as he hugged his arm.

Tom chuckled. "You're not planning to let go of me any time soon, huh?" His boyfriend just nodded in responce. "Well then." Tom layed on his back, dragging Tord down with him. "Better make it count." He said, embracing Tord even more, burrying his face in his fluffy hair.

Tord, calm again, closed his eyes, hugging him tighter. It didn't take long for him to pass out in Tom's warm embrace. Tom, smiling, planted a kiss on his forehead and closed his eyes as well.

'I'm never leaving you. Ever again. I promise.'

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