Prologue- Our story starts here

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Britain POV

I looked down at the shaved ice in front of me and then back at Soviet. Currently, I had just got us some to make the man feel a bit better about the event that just happened not too long ago. "How is it that you feel for your children and I feel nothing..." The man next to me looked towards my way at the question.
"You know we aren't the same in some aspects, even when it comes to....that" Soviet said referring to the distorter we share.

I sighed and met eyes with those gold orbs I've come so used to seeing. "Its crazy to think about how all of this started" I laughed and ran my hands though my hair, no longer wanted to think about the past. "Yeah....but I wouldn't want to change any of it" Ussr smiled at me and looked back at the star covered sky. I followed his gaze and stared into the deep blue as a smile made its way to my face. "Ha...your such a good liar"


Our story begins here


A young boy no older than 17 ran down the hallway of the grand looking castle. The walls gold and painted with portraits of the family that lived there. "Ow fuck!" Another boy around the same age ran after the first but failed to keep up. "Jack slow down, I cant run that fast!" The second boy stopped completely catching his breath. "Why are your legs so long damn it!" He yelled down the hallway as the first stopped and looked at his friend. "The question is, why the hell are you so slow Third!?"

The German boy in question pulled his glasses farther up his head and wiped his dark brown eyes. "That's not my fault! Slow down!" He whined.
"Soooooo, I can keep this right?" A taller boy peaked around the corner to the others whilst holding the object that started all of this running. A purple ruby necklace.
"Soviet I need that, you know how expensive that was!" Britain yelled at the taller boy. "Well then you shouldn't have bought it here" Soviet snickered and handed the necklace to its owner. "Ha ha very funny." The Brit stated, grabbing the necklace with force. "It's not even for me-"

"Oh really? Who its for then, is it me!" Soviet interrupted the other with a face that was asking for gossip. Third rounded the corner in a very slow pace, suddenly falling and laying where he fell.
"Guys....I....I need some water..."

"No its not for you idiot" Britain said completely ignoring the German basically dying on the floor. "Aww why not" Soviet cooed, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Ehhhh I don't feel good.... My
... throat hurts"

"Because your a nuisance is why, fuck off will ya"

"Don't be mea-

"Oh my gosh Third are you okay" A younger boy wrapped in silk and cloud painted robes ran over to the boy on the floor making the other two look at him. "Ehhhhag....cant...breath" Third said barely over a whisper in his tired state. "Oh yeah I forgot about him" Britain admitted looking at the younger laying on the ground. "....we should probably get his father...." Cringing, Soviet began to walk off. "Hey don't just leave him here, pick him up!" A younger boy known as Japanese empire (or Tiko as most called him) basically shouted at the other two.

"Why do I have to, if he dies they'll think I did it" Soviet looked down at Tiko. "If he dies we are all in trouble" The other spoke with worry causing Soviet to sign. "Fine, I'll go get inhaler, give me second" With that, Soviet ran back down the hallway to the meeting room where their parents resided.

Soviet POV

Walking down the steps of the palace, I passed the many servants and maids doing their rounds. Most were cleaning the areas far to large for one person to, others were organizing and hanging new artworks around; basically everyone was busy everywhere you looked. I never liked the idea of having others working in your own home, you can never really trust people these days, but then again that's just me.

"-but as I've said before, I feel as thought they are not ready to know about it yet, what if something goes wrong and one of them gets hurt"

As I got closer to the meeting room I could hear Lady Europe talking from outside of the closed door. I really didn't want to interrupt but then again there was a certain German boy suffocating on the floor at the moment. "Im sorry to disturb everyone-" I said knocking on the door. "But I need Thirds inhaler, I think he's dying again."

I had meant to make a joke but the room on the other side went quite, not even a giggle. That's embarrassing. The door suddenly opened and someone stepped out, closing it behind them. "Soviet you know your not supposed to interrupt kingdom meetings" A shorter but older German boy said looking up at me. "Sorry Prussia but unless you want your brother to die I think you should ge-
"I have it damn hold your horses" He lifted the blue inhaler from his pocket and shook it a bit before speaking. "Show me where he is"

Prussia was 3 years older than me making him 19, and because of his age, he was allowed to attended the kingdom meetings between our families. I never asked father if I could join, I don't like him very much and these meeting were the only times I was away from him other than school.

The meetings were always held with the same five families.

The Royal Union
Union Jack's family

His Mother queen Europe and Aunt Pangaea, along with his 3 older brothers.

Scotland the oldest

Welsh the second

And the youngest of the Trio being Ireland. Union Jack or Britain as some call him, was the youngest in the family.

Next came the Germans-

Third Reich's family.

Second Reich was the head of the family and Thirds father while Prussia was his older brother. Many people feared but respected their family, of course that put a lot of pressure on Third to be the best country he could; but with his asthma and poor eyesight, he doubts himself. Fair enough, I doubt him as well.

Let's not forget, there was also the Japanese

Japanese empire's family.

His father Wakoku usually only attended half the meetings, he was a busy man after all. Tiko didn't really like his father much and I could tell. The man was very keen on tradition and for that reason Tiko was never really allowed to go many places. Now Im not sure if it was true, but I've heard that Wakoku had married many young women, most of which are dead now. But only Tiko really knows what happened and he wont say, who could blame him.

Anyway, lastly was my father
Russian empire
I hate that man with a burning passion. He's wealthy and spoiled, always acting like everyone owes him their lives for even being in his line of sight. Really, the man acts like a child. I cant even say how annoying it is to have him as my dad but it's whatever.

I sigh as I started to walk back to Third and Tiko, leading Prussia to them.

"This day is already giving me a headache"

Edited 6/3/22

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