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I walked into my first class with Ava and she tapped on my shoulder and pointed to the teacher we have. She was right, he was our english teacher and I stared at him which ended up being ages without me realising.

"Hello? Are you there?" He said to me.

"O-Oh sorry! Where do I sit again?" I replied feeling very embarrassed.

He pointed to a seat and Im so glad im next to someone I know. The person sitting next to me was someone I knew for longer than Ava of course and she looked at me in excitement since she wouldn't be on her own.

"This just made my day already!" she winked causing me to laugh.

"I can totally agree with you there Sarah"

"Im always right sooo"


"Maddie, Sarah! Pay attention, it won't look good for you both if you don't."

"Sorry sir" Sarah spoke.

God the way he said my name is just... Wait I shouldn't of even be thinking like that! He's my teacher, not some boy I could date if I had a chance. These questions are difficult, how would anyone be able to do this? I raised my hand to get his attention to help me and he slowly walked to me looking confused.

"What are you stuck on?" He said giving a small smile.

I pointed to the question I was currently on and he showed me some examples of sentences with the annoying thing that made it not easy at all. As he gave the pen back to me, his hand accidentally touched mine and I instantly got goosebumps from the magical touch, it felt weirdly good until he let go.

"I hope you know how to do it now since this topic we are doing is very important." He said and walked away running a hand through his hair in exhaustion. I tapped my pen on the desk sighing since it didn't help at all. I bit my lip and quickly took a look at the teacher who's name is duke since it popped up on the computer he was using. His legs were on the huge desk and he was reading a book but i couldnt see the name of it since I was at the back. How do you even concentrate on your work when you finally end up in a lesson with a hot teacher like uhh impossible??

It was the end of the lesson and thank god, a lesson that I would enjoy is next. I walked past the teacher and he smiled waving to the students whilst putting the book 'charlie and the chocolate factory ' down. Interesting choice there I must say.

"Maddie!" Screamed Ava and hugged me.

"Woah chill.. its not like we were apart from each other that long" I laughed

"To me it was!!"

"Hey maddie, oo whos this" Sarah said waving to Ava.

"Hii im Ava, Can I just say YOU ARE PRETTY" screamed Ava way too loud.

We all laughed and sat next to each other in art since the teacher was nice and let us choose our places :). It ended up being a disaster as we used paint and I did mess some things up somehow but it was fixed.. a tiny bit. I giggled and showed off my "amazing" painting to my friends and their face showed that it wasn't good afterall. Great another lesson gone wrong uh oh yay..

"Dont worry you will do good another day" said Sarah comforting me.

"Yeah what she said!!" Laughed Ava.

Atleast mine is better than that annoying blondie popular girl. No offence but hers looks like it came from the trash and what I mean by trash is YEARS OLD TRASH. Never gonna end up in a art museum love. I giggled at my thoughts and felt like I was being too harsh but she did deserve it for being such a horrible person to people.

"Maddie would you like to show urs?"

"Uh no thank you miss-" I tried saying.

"Im sure she would love to" said the person who I just talked about.

"Alright then!"

The teacher held up my painting and people ended up being impressed which actually did shock me but of course blondie laughed thinking it was worse than hers. She really needs glasses if shes gonna be judging me like that. I rolled my eyes at her and I could tell there was anger on her face.

"Ugly Loser" she mouthed to me.

She smiled and I ended up being hurt by that but I shook it off since I wasn't gonna be a weak little girl. Small things like that can just hurt me instantly and thats how they win over and over again. Yeah I do think mean stuff in my head but I could never end up saying that to someone.

"Britney that was a good one!" Smirked one of her annoying minions.

"I would of done much better but the teacher was there."

"Yeah she deserves that!!! Who does she think she is?! Shes always gonna be a loser no matter what" said another minion.

I heard everything and I felt a tear coming down my face, quickly hiding it. I asked to go to the toilets and the teacher nodded which made me less worry since I could be on my own trying to calm down.

I ran as fast as I could through corridors so I could have more time in the toilets as ur not supposed to be out of classes that long. Suddenly, I fell to the floor causing me to be in pain because it wasn't soft. Of course, I wasn't looking where I was going like always.

"I-Im so sorry" I said staring at the floor.

"No its alright, you dont look too good.. here come with me." A guy said offering his hand.

I took it without seeing him and I realised who it was from the touch, Duke. I smiled a bit as his hands were soft and I followed where he was going still not caring about how much time I wasted. I wiped the tears off my face and went to the english class with him as it was his break since he had no class at the moment.

"You should really be getting to your class but Its best not to when there's something wrong"

"Its just this girl I guess" I explained not even caring anymore.

"Why didn't you tell your teacher in that lesson?"

"She wouldn't do anything" I shrugged.

"Well whats her name? ill talk to her"

"Britney but its okay, I don't want it to get worse"

I didn't even know that I was crying again but before I could process that, I felt big arms around me and I just hugged him back. It made me feel so much better and I looked away smiling a little too much. Its not good to have favourites but I think I already have found my favourite teacher, the one standing right infront of me.
1204 words
Long chapter oh god😳 was this okay- I hope I dont end up rushing things but ill try my hardest.

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu