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The rocks kinda ruined this photo 😳 THIS IS MINE BTW BC I WENT TO THE BEACH AND OMG THE SEA IS BEAUTIFUL 🤪 I was gonna write 3 but it turned out to be 2 because Im so tired rn as its 5 for me as I'm writing this I'm supposed to be going somewhere at 8 AHA-

"Bye feel free to come back whenever!" My mum smiled. This was way too weird.

"You are acting different today" I said.

"Just happy you have someone over to be honest and the flowers!" She said holding them close to her. If only she knew who they were actually for but she deserves them more.

Someone from our class is having a party! They invited us, this is our chance to go this time and we are definitely bringing Ava.

You and Ava should defo go! I don't really think parties are for me, you know?

Oh come on! It will be fun :) its gonna be on friday anyways so it will be after school when its just become nearly the weekends.

Ugh finee, only this once since I do need to get some air once in a while.

That's my girl!


A party.. okay I have nothing to wear. Looks like I need to go shopping woop! That is one good thing because it is fun to shop sometimes. Should I ask Ava to come with me and help? I might aswell since she probably needs something too for her to wear there. Its always good to look pretty so yeah, that will be my plan.

*Face-timing Ava*

"Oh hello Maddie!" Ava waved but her face didn't look so good and I was so worried.

"Whats up with you?" I panicked.

"It's those annoying blondies I guess, they were able to fight me and all that" she explained it all in anger and I couldn't help but laugh but I immediately said sorry after. In my surprise, Ava laughed too a little but was also in pain.

"It will go dont you worry"

"Wish those girls went" she blurted out and I did the ugliest laugh ever eek.

"Anyways, theres this party apparently and sarah suggested on you to come aswell!"

"Who's party? It does sound good already tho!" She said getting excited.

"I dont know but apparently someone in our tutor.

"Oh my god how does she not know the name of the person"

"Exactly! She's forgets so much"

"Ava!" Someone said in the background.

"I better go, my mum is calling me." Ava waved and I waved back, ending the call in a smile but in a worried way too. I wish Duke could come but that's so impossible when we are making it secret and not public. I let out a sigh and looked at myself in the mirror thinking of how I would be able to look good on the day. Alot of makeup maybe? Im not trying to look good for any boys but I just wanna show Britney that I would be more better looking even with lots of makeup. She looks like a clown with tons on, yikes.

My mum definitely won't like this party idea but I'll find a way to figure this out aswell. I put my hair in a ponytail and I went on my bed going through my phone to Instagram.

Dukedepp_ posted a new photo

The photo was him and me in the park, obviously I wasn't shown but his hand was interlocked with mine and there was drinks beside us on the bench aka normal coke as he loved it so much. I had water at the time since it was refreshing and cold because I got it from the fridge as water isn't always nice when it isn't cold. I wanted to like it so bad but I didn't because of people from my school if they found out I liked it.

That girl sure is lucky 😔😭😣😢

You mean the one in the photo with me holding her hand? Oh yeah, she sure is. Shes more than that actually, not just lucky but everything and you wanna know the best part? Im texting her right now and even me talking with her is just amazing because she's so fun and entertaining, adorable and beautiful, sweet and kind, helpful and special. Nobody could beat that, not even the prettiest, richest or smartest girl. Why? Because she's all I need no matter if she isn't the best looking to herself or she isn't the smartest. She's all I want in my life and honestly I don't regret anything, she makes me happy and I really love her smile so you better smile more because omg you're adorable 🥺.

uhh Woah. that is the cutest thing ever, I didn't expect that. What do I even say?! My message couldn't be good enough now oh god! Jeez Maddie it's only a message-

I love you so much oh my god. ❤️ Im glad I'm yours, dont know why your bad eyesight picked me but we move 😂

Atleast I still know that you're beautiful ;) but honestly, how rude 😡

Aww you're so welcome <33 😌

If only I was there to make u go silent again..

Hah well you aren't so lol *read*

Damn well how lazy or shall I say what a wimp for not replying!!! Nah I cant blame him, I sometimes don't even know what to respond with. This has been such a perfect day, how does it turn to bad to good- that's so strange. Hah well take the L Britney ;) he mine now ❤️
977 words
Sleep for me now 😳✌️ this wasn't exciting but it was extra since I felt nicee and I might not be able to do much when school comes (we will see :))

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWhere stories live. Discover now