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Yes yes very late update I know :,) but here it is <3

After the very interesting adventures with Duke, I was exhausted and I ended up sitting on a cozy and soft chair watching the tv. Nothing good was on and I sighed until family guy was on. I haven't watched that in ages but I'm glad since it did make me laugh a couple of times. Suddenly, Duke turned it off and I got annoyed but that soon went as I noticed he was shirtless. I looked him up and down quickly and turned away smiling and blushing a bit.

"Sadly you can't be lazy today" he said

"Why not?"

"My friends wanna meet you"

"Do I really have to come?"

"Yep now get ready" he dragged me to the room and I finally decided to get ready into some good clothes rather than bad ones which I was wearing.

"You want me to help?"

"Uh no.. I can find some clothes!!" that was a lie.

"Hm.. sure" he moved me out of the way and looked through the wardrobe for something for me to wear. There was loads but none catched my eye but for duke, it was easy and quick.

"This" He handed them over to me and to be honest, It was definitely a look. Would I even look good in it though? I do wanna look smart for his friends. I put the outfit on and stared at myself in the mirror with a little smile on myself as I looked better than I expected.

"You look stunning" Duke was behind me and he put his arms around me whilst kissing my cheek.

"Not as much as you" I laughed.

We were all ready and he opened the car door for me making me feel so happy, Well him just there makes me happy. Moments later, we finally got to the place that was a pub but I only wanted a water since I don't wanna drink yet. People waved to us and I immediately knew it was his friends.

"Hey duke!" The woman ran up and hugged duke.

"Oh hey" he laughed and hugged back. I just sat there pretending to not feel jealous but they are only friends so I shouldn't really be.

"You're his other best friend right?" She smiled which looked fake.

"She's my girlfriend" Duke held my hand and looked at me.

"You said she was a friend on message" said a guy.

"Uh.. Did I?" he awkwardly laughed.

I looked down to the floor as I felt like duke doesn't wanna tell people about us, maybe never.

"Im just gonna go to the toilets" I whispered to Duke.

"Alright" he kissed me and I kissed back as if nothing happened.

I ran to the toilets and stared at myself in the mirror again. I saw tears down my face, I might be overreacting a bit but I'm just scared right now. I grabbed some tissues and wiped the tears away and took my time. I finally got out and headed back to the table where they were all laughing. I kept a straight face until one of them spoke to me.

"Your name is Maddie right?" The guy put his hand out and I shook it nodding.

"My name is Elijah, Duke has been talking about you alot and he is right with all the things he said. You really are pretty"

"Oh well thanks" I smiled.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see duke was a bit angry but I ignored it. Now he knows how I feel at times.

"Dukey you okay?" The woman touched duke's shoulder and I decided it was best for me to just go.

"Alexa Im fine" He took her hand off him and smiled.


I heard a voice that was coming towards me and I stood still hoping it was Duke. Elijah.. why was he caring for me?

"Dont worry about them, Alexa is just.. desperate and clingy sometimes"

"I can see that" I rolled my eyes thinking of them.

"He should of said to us earlier about you guys dating"

I looked down again and decided to just run away. I felt bad because of Elijah wanting to help me just then by talking to me but I would of much cried if he wasn't there. I kept running until I got to a nice quiet place where I could just think of things to forget about that woman. Nevermind, that plan actually failed.

I saw the Cabin and I rushed to it because I just wanted to go in the bed right now and sleep. That would be an easy way especially since Duke isn't there yet. It was a long walk but I made it eventually and I sighed as I entered through the door.

dukedepp posted on Instagram

I was curious of what it would be, maybe a cute photo of him? I tapped the notification which took forever to go on instagram. My face was happy but landed onto sad when he was with the woman in the photo. The comments made it worse as they were hyped for them.

"Omg im so shipping these two!!"

"Jealous 😔"

"If she hurts duke, we all will be having PLANS to kill her"

"Duke do be hot" (ok yes)

That's enough instagram for me today I guess. I smiled as I saw that another thing that I liked was on tv and decided to watch that until Duke gets back.
958 words
That is not cool Alexa😡 imagine if you said that to the device one and it replying with 'sorry' or even better 'well you're not cool' I would start laughing so much-

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWhere stories live. Discover now