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I rubbed my tired eyes as I begin waking up, realising I slept on the sofa all this time. I checked my phone for the time only and It read '8:33' oh shoot. There was no way I would wanna be late but it did take me a while to get ready so there was a chance of me actually being late. On the second day, seriously?!?! Sadly I didn't end up having a coffee but I didn't wanna waste time making it, so it was better off not having anything.

A bus arrived at the bus stop which let all my panic go in seconds as I ran to it. I thought of bringing my headphones this time even though the bus is usually quick near to the school. I bopped my head slightly to a song that played through my ears which was an Ariana grande song this time aka fake smile.

As soon as I got to school, there was still a few people walking in and I let out a sigh of relief, looking where I was going incase I tripped.

"Hey class! Before you go to any lessons, I wanted to all give u this letter about cheerleading as there is finally an opportunity for people to join this year and I know some definitely requested this" Our tutor said giving each of us letters.

Cheerleading hm? I been wanting to do that but Im not even sure If I have the skills yet, atleast they practice us. Im not even gonna be surprised if Britney and her minions join, its literally perfect for them especially to get boys attentions.

"Is there gonna be a football one soon?" Said a boy with glasses. I always had the biggest crush on that boy especially with his glasses off and his hair being all over the place with him smirking as always- ah right! I need to Snap out of these thoughts of mine. The bell rang and I had to quickly find which lesson I have next since I still wasn't prepared as If I was new here which Im definitely not for a year 11 student whose been here for ages. I ended up pushing people as the crowds got bigger and it was really annoying.

"Watch where you're going" snapped those younger students but I rolled my eyes and made a face, scaring him off.

"Not so tough afterall" I muttered.

oh great its maths and I find that way harder than English. I got put in a seat next to the minion of Britney's who was called Sasha. My friends weren't in this class but the class was alright except from that girl sitting next to me of course. The lesson began and my hands were shaking as I had lessons next that I didn't really wanna do. English being one of them which was next.

Luckily, this work I did was average, not difficult or easy but just alright. I set my page on the book to be a little pretty so it didn't look a mess if I got any wrong and was finally done, looking up at the lady who was the teacher. She went over and read my book ticking most correct, I didn't care if some were wrong, I was more surprised that most were even correct at this point due to my dumb brain. My eyes kept heading towards the clock and my legs moved up and down just waiting for it to be slow but it never happened. Maths always went quick to me which was good and bad. One being good which meant if maths was the last lesson then the day would end faster. The other being that a bad lesson would soon appear.

"You can go now" Someone waved at me.

"Oh r-right" I got up and exited out of the classroom door looking back at no one but the teacher in the room. That means.. ugh I would be the last to enter into english, I hated that moment tbh. Watching all the students eyes on you as you enter the class walking to your seat, just no.

"You're late Maddie, break detention." Duke said writing that on the board so he doesn't forget.

"Well sorry." I bluntly said not knowing that came out of my mouth.

"Please head to your seat"

Sarah cheered me on which made me have more proof for her to be probably a weird.. idk.. alien? She did not seem like a human at all thats for sure and I have all the evidence ;). Every few minutes, the class raised its volume into being quiet to loud and a huge headache formed, making my head go to the desk. I wanted to just close my eyes but I knew that wouldn't last very long as I would get told off but wouldn't that be nice in a way since it was Duke-

I quickly focused and wrote down many stuff that I learned from the lesson and a page was fully completed which made me smile as I did that much this time. He noticed my work as he was with another student near me and came over looking impressed.

"That is amazing! You still will be going to that detention though and make sure to come here" he said.

"Oh look! Time to go, children rush along now!"

I went to the cafeteria quickly and got a little snack since you could do that before going to detention at my school but you had to be fast otherwise you would be in more trouble.

I made my way through people and got to the english class again where my detention was and it looked empty which shocked me, people are behaving now?I opened the door and found him shirtless with his top in his hand. His abs showed and I tried staring at his face but my eyes would end up trailing down at his body, admiring it.

"Oh hey! I didn't expect you back that soon" he chuckled putting his shirt over him now.

"I was early for once in the queue" I laughed back going in a random seat at the front.

"You know.. uh I saw that you liked my post on Instagram yesterday, the one of me shirtless. I mean good choice to be fair"

" I didn't really mean to! My finger just well slipped" I said using the line that most people use but in a way it was true.

"Its fine Maddie but I'm surprised you actually searched for me on there" He winked and laughed it off.

"Just don't tell the others as I don't want students following me and stuff." He added and I nodded to what he said.

Lots of Questions went through my head like a rollercoaster and I was scared he would think of me as a weird crazy stalker now, he could even be thinking that right this second. I felt his beautiful eyes on me and I stood there looking down as it went awkward.

"I do need help carrying things to a class, mind helping me?" He broke the silence.

"I don't mind" I smiled picking up the stuff he pointed at.

His eyes looked like they glowed every time I looked at him as I adored all of his features. It was bad of me to think this way about a teacher because its wrong but he just knew he was attractive as he bit his lip. My arms were getting weak and tired but we soon made it to the sports hall and I stared at him with a confused face.

"This is a second thing I'm choosing to do"

Now this is a class I want to be in. I check my lessons and I sigh as his name isn't on there as my teacher for pe. Watching him play basketball and football would be very interesting and sexy-

"You really need to pay attention more huh?" He tapped my shoulder and I jumped as it scared me and I was also in shock from everything.

"You sound like my mum except a bit calmer"

"Im assuming she shouts at you then?"

"Sadly yes" I rolled my eyes.

"I love her already.. hey joking!! Anyways, wanna see me play basketball" he smirked and backed away as I almost pushed him.

"But my class and yours-"

"I will tell your next teacher why you were late and say you helped me and also someone else will be there for mine dont worry"

"Okay" I gave in and sat on a inside bench watching the tall, stunning and incredible teacher grab the ball and began trying to aim it in the hoop, it was the best show I seen in a while if this counts as a show to some.

Words: 1491
This took me ages to write uhh😅

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWhere stories live. Discover now