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Its my birthday! 🥳 Im 14 now :,)

"T-the t-time!" I said out of breath to Duke.

"Oh shi- we better get back!" He replied almost swearing.

As soon as we got back, the class was silent and they all stared at as mostly because.. my hair- it was messy and I didn't even know. Duke fixed his so it didn't look suspicious of what we have done. Britney gave me that stare again and this time I rolled my eyes making her even hate me more. Dang she's scary. I looked up at the clock and it was nearly the next lesson but Duke still decided to carry on with the lesson since we needed to still know stuff. Instead of my work, my eyes kept focusing on Duke which was bad because I really should pay attention with my work. That is impossible with an attractive man teaching the class.

He noticed me staring and gave me a quick wink making sure nobody saw that but me. I smiled and looked at my work, easily completing it this time. Sarah gave me a nudge and I gave her a quick look at my work since she was stuck. I laughed as she quickly wrote the things down, I know I shouldn't be letting my friend cheat but it will be worse for her otherwise. I took it back and finished what was set and looked duke up and down again. I couldn't help it.. he was just the love of my life at this point.

"What's the problem Britney?" Duke said heading to where Britney was because she raised her hand.

"Can you teach me on this after school" she pointed to what she struggled with. I already knew she was lying because she gets great grades and she's doing this for duke's attention. I got a bit jealous but tried shaking it off as I waited for duke to reply to her.

"Im kinda busy after school though, next time?"

"Oh please! It will only be quick because it's only this that im stuck on since you're all smart" she smiled.

"Uh.. fine" he gave a small smile.

I sighed and pretended that didn't happen. Maybe this will just disappear from my mind later, I hope. The lesson was over and everyone was gone and I took the chance to speak to Duke quickly.

"I think she's gonna try something on you because she normally understands everything" I said.

"I dont think so.. she didn't do great last lesson"

"Oh but she could be faking that.." I sighed.

"Dont worry, nothing will happen I promise!" Duke kissed me on the forehead and I smiled weakly as I was just scared.

Skip to lunch

Finally, it was lunch. Those other lessons killed me since the volume of people were so loud and they were just completely annoying. I headed over to the table with Ava and Sarah and waved at them before sitting down. I had a pack lunch that I did myself of course and there wasn't much this time since I had to rush to school.

"Where did you go at English? I forgot to ask you" Sarah said out of nowhere.

"The teacher helped me with my face, thats it" I told the truth with one part but the 'thats it' was a lie for sure. I can't trust them just yet for me to say that we kiss or anything.

"I mean it got a bit better" Ava laughed looking at the horrible face of mine.

"I guess, that annoying Britney is the worst" I rolled my eyes but my food suddenly was thrown to the floor and I turned around to see the devil herself.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Britney screamed.

"Oh just go away, everyone avoids you except your minions" Ava said.

"Atleast we can make your friend cry and be in pain like her face right now" smirked one of them.

"Don't make me fight you now" Ava yelled.

Ah this was just awful.. Me and Sarah laughed a little but stopped soon after they glared at us. Suddenly, a random teacher spotted them and shouted 'detention' making me feel bad for Ava now. Ava rolled her eyes and began to be real angry now and soon walked somewhere else.

"That was uh interesting" Sarah widened her eyes at what just happened and I just shrugged.

"How dare you just argue like that! Its not showing the younger kids at all how to treat people here, I expected better from you both."

"Especially you Ava" she added.

"Im sorry miss" Ava looked down.

"Well I'm not" Smiled Britney.

"Say sorry now Britney! Unless you want longer" demanded the teacher.

"Sorry.." she rolled her eyes.

"Good now you can go!"

"Oh thank god, bye!" Britney cheered and walked away leading Ava to be annoyed.
Words: 814
This chapter is so bad I- 😅

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWhere stories live. Discover now