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I couldn't believe what I saw on my phone right now. I even kept blinking to see if it was actually there and it still was. I smiled so much to the point I probably blushed. He wants to go somewhere, with me? It feels so wrong but so right at the same time, a student and a teacher would never do that but I would do anything with him if it was possible. This could get him in so much trouble if people find out about this but I won't ever let it happen!

Yes I would love to hang out with you :) When do you wanna meet up? Because I honestly dont mind whenever.

I waited and waited which felt like forever but soon my phone made a small noise and I got a little of excitement inside of me.

Tomorrow since its the weekends? I could come and pick you up from your house at one point in the day but we have to make sure I'm a bit hidden incase your parents know who I am :,).

Sounds good, well Im heading off to bed now so I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight :]

Goodnight Maddie❤️

Even that got me. His messages made me forget I was suffering from the pain that I was in and it soon randomly went all away giving me a good sleep. Im glad I have the weekend to enjoy now especially with a teacher who is the best. Britney would be mad fuming if she heard about this I can already imagine.. oh well still won't stop me at all ;)

The sun shined through my window and I was basically blinded as soon as I got up while stretching. I heard my name being called a couple of times and I sighed atleast having a reason to go downstairs for though. I saw pancakes with Nutella spreaded all over them and my belly was dying for them right now. I gave my mum a big hug as a thank you since I didn't have these in for so long and they taste like heaven. My mum laughed at my weirdness and carried on doing the dishes but I stopped her and helped because of the pancakes being that good, I couldn't of just had them for free like that.

"Someone's feeling not lazy" she smiled.

"Oh trust me I was way before you called my name" I let out a laugh.

"I don't blame you its the weekends, do whatever!"

Little does she know, I already have plans but I have to lie to her which is disappointing but there's no way I'm letting anything bad happen to duke. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, drinking it all in one go because of my mouth being so dry. I headed upstairs and went through my things, finding some makeup to put on so I didn't look that bad. Makeup was too much effort to put on and it really wasn't my type of thing but that's what boys like nowadays so I had to put some effort in.

There was knocking on the door and my mum just go up to go and get it but I stopped her incase it was Duke.

"What's your problem?" She said in a tone.

"I thought it was my friend" I said looking at the delivery person with shopping in his bags.

"Thank you" my mum smiled at the person and sighed looking at me.

Whoops. That was a mistake to do now she might be suspicious with me, hopefully she forgets. Rain started to pour heavily down and I sulked since this could cancel my plans with Duke. A ding came from my phone and I hid it from my mum incase she was looking at what I was doing.

Do you have an umbrella? I have a big one for both of us if you don't! Nothing will cancel this 😁

I sadly don't but are you sure?

Of course Im sure! It wouldn't hurt sharing

I let out a huge smile causing my mum to stare at me with a 'what the hell' look. I laughed and said it was nothing but I doubt my mum would believe that, she is alot smarter than she seems.

It was getting pretty late now and I had a feeling Duke didn't wanna go in the end. Surprisingly, the door went and I rushed over and opened it since my parents decided to sleep early. It wasn't a loud knock which made everything better as my dad could be shouting right now.

"You ready to go?" He said offering for me to go under the umbrella.

"I was worried you wouldn't of arrived" I scratched my neck giving a small smile.

"The stupid traffic made me late" he laughed.

He took my hand and I felt goosebumps appearing on my skin, his hands were cold but soft. He took me to his car and I sat in the front watching him drive. This guy could end up killing me for all I know but I trusted him so much. He focused so much on the road steering the wheel and I could never do that, I would be such a scared driver. He still didn't tell me where he was going but I saw the sign from far away and I immediately jumped up in excitement.

The yellow M lit up and I shook his arm a bit too much leading him in laughter. This was the best fast food place and nothing could ever change my mind. We went through the drive-thru and I said out loud the things that I wanted and his and mine were the exact same. Chicken nuggets and fries soon was collected and He gave them to me but ate a few of my fries before I could take them.

"Hey thats mine!" I snatched them quickly wondering why he even stole mine when he had his own.

We parked the car somewhere in a space and opened youtube on his phone. He clicked on a random youtuber and a few minutes later we ended up laughing our heads off. This was amazing but I felt a weird feeling like someone was watching us but I could be imagining it all.


"This is perfect" laughed someone young.

They sounded so similar.. but it might just be someone else that I got confused with.. wait- did they just take a picture of us?!?

Words: 1095
I wrote this a bit early this time 😂

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें