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That photo really said HOT

After spending days at home with Duke, school eventually arrived again and I sighed getting ready to leave.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for you to drive me there?"

"Its fine Maddie, we are going early anyways which means not many people will be there"

"Okay whatever you say" I laughed.

"Can I have a kiss before we go though please?"

"Aww someone is clingy today" I smirked.


I went up to Duke and kissed him. He smiled as ours lips touched and it was really soft.

"Let's go" he winked.

"A few more minutes?" I said kinda addicted to him.

"And you say I'm the clingy one huh?" He laughed.

"Uh well..."

"Come on, it will be too late otherwise"

"Ugh fine okay" I rolled my eyes.

We both went into the car and eventually he drove. I watched as he drove somewhere and my thoughts were escalating to something else which definitely wasn't pg.

"You okay?" He touched my leg.

"Uhh yeah!" My eyes widened.

"Hmm okay" he smirked and did his cute laugh.

We were at school and I got scared because I didn't really wanna be here at all especially with annoying people.

"Well looks like we have to go now.. bye beautiful" he hugged me and I hugged back quickly.

"Bye" I giggled.

Lessons began and I had maths first which annoyed me so much.

"Good morning class!"

"Maddie, you didn't do any of your homework."

"Shit!" I swore which wasn't mean to be out loud.

"One hour of detention. For swearing and for homework, you should know better by now."

"Good luck with that" whispered Sarah and I sighed.

"Miss! Most of us didn't do our homework though.. it's not fair for Maddie" said a boy.

"I don't care."

"Then give me a detention too"

I was confused on why that boy did that. He isn't even my friend but maybe he just feels really bad? I mean barely anyone feels bad for me.

"Okay then, detention for both Maddie and Josh"

"Why did you want detention?" I said to the boy just after maths finished.

"Well you might aswell not be alone" he smiled.

"I think I'm good"

"Okay but it will be less boring because I'm actually entertaining!"

"We will see about that" I laughed.

English... time to get distracted again uh oh.

"Hey guys! Today you will be learning about war more with a partner. You can choose your partner since I'm feeling nice"

Time to be with Ava or Sarah. Oh wait nevermind.. they decided to be each other's partners. Well thats my chance gone.

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWhere stories live. Discover now