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Morning came and this time I could do whatever and I spent most of that time just sitting on the bed with my phone in my hands scrolling through cool things by others. Out of nowhere, someone messaged me and I don't know who this person was but I clicked accept to see what they had to say after their 'hi'.

Whos this?

??? (Jessica but she doesn't know yet)
Let's just say you seen me around school before :)

You could be anyone, just tell me so I can get to know you better!

Im not here for that. You and the teacher?? Wow you're that lonely huh.

*she pulls up the image that she photoshopped where you can see them kissing but they really didn't kiss*

(go to the bottom of chapter 7 and it shows there)

You photoshopped that! It never happened.

Oh really? Lying won't get you anywhere and im not afraid to leak this good stuff. You better listen to me if you don't want the whole school to see ☺️

I looked at the screen in just complete shock and started to panic so much. This girl who I don't know yet has the ability to just leak this fake image if I don't listen to her but what could she possibly want? It should be easy right..


Nope nevermind. I couldn't do that, ever no matter what I was given even if it was money, I would still say no because I'm not a gold digger. A tear rolled down my face and I covered my face with my hands shaking my head repeatedly thinking this was a nightmare. God I wish it was.. I need to do something about this quickly before it gets any worse. Im in love with Duke though.. I couldn't bring myself to that- wait did I really just think that?! It's bad for me to be into a teacher, it could be messy and go wrong. Could you blame me? He was literally everything, so adorable and so nice in every way just wow.

Are you busy?

No why? You wanna hang out with me again aww.. ;)

Well I do need to say something but I would rather not do it on text if you know what I mean.

I'll pick you up then, im on my way x

I let out a smile but I was honestly worried. It was mostly me confessing whats on my mind than me saying I wanted to avoid him first because of that girl literally forcing me. I must aswell tell him if I had to be apart from him for a while or even forever which hurt me alot and made my heart broken.

"I'll get it!" I shouted to my mum hiding the person at the door.

"Let's go" he whispered and I nodded going in his car again and stopping at a park nearby. He looked at me with worried eyes and I sighed taking a deep breath and just going to say it.

"I have something aswell to say" he said touching his fingers and I could tell he was really nervous.

"You can go first then"

"I dont know if you would wanna be my friend still or whatever after this but I got feelings for you and I only realised it yesterday from our little time together. You are really fun and beautiful and even if I am a teacher and you being a student, I still love you. I know that's weird since we aren't made for dating because its wrong but you are sure something special" he said looking down. That was a paragraph damn.. but I was surprised because I felt the exact same and I smiled so much but I completely forgot about that girl who im supposed to listen to.

I put my hand on his chest out of nowhere and Kissed him, watching his eyes widened and kiss back. No one was around and we made sure of it this time. A few seconds later, we stopped and looked at each other laughing a bit but I felt a wave of sadness on me and he asked me whats wrong since he saw. Quickly, I shook it off and pretended it was okay making him a little confused but he understood and hugged me. I can't believe I have to leave this cute guy one day but its for the best.. I dont want him to lose his job because of me and worse, go to prison! That would be terrible and I couldn't handle watching him go.

"That was a interesting way to say that you love me back" He laughed.

You have a month which is good enough time since im being nice.

I looked at my phone quickly to see that message from her and I smiled because it was perfect time to spend with him but it could always go fast and I didn't want that at all. God I hope it gets better but I couldn't stand Any other people getting close to Duke. Fair enough if it's only friends but any other way would tear me apart since I love him to pieces. The first time I saw him he was just so cute and still is. Im so sorry Duke.

Words: 900
Don't hate me for this aaa😭

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWhere stories live. Discover now