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Back to Maddie's pov:

The pizza arrived and I was so lazy to get it but duke was on that right away which made it way easier for me now. We both had 5 slices of ham pizza each and it was really good. Stuffed crust was a defo favourite for me (this is very true).

"We have to go back home soon" duke said causing me to now frown.

"Aww" I sighed.

"We can go here again another time don't worry" he smiled.

I got excited because this was a really nice place and I obviously would love to go again. We turned on some music which was a song called 'cross my mind' by A R I Z O NA (listening to that rn and its so good😍). So many songs ended up playing and duke started to sing and I expected it to be awful.. but WOW IT WAS AMAZING! Especially him singing to an Ariana grande song, yassss u get it Duke omg.

Eventually, we both got tired and ended up sleeping in each other's arms with a huge cute blanket over us that kept me really warm since it was cold.

I got up first and I looked at a sleepy Duke which made me be in awe because he was so adorable. Imagine if I made a loud noise to wake him up.. god that would be awful and evil. Omg even more evil, spilling water over him or just a spider if I could find one. Im nice so I won't.. sike-

I got a bucket and filled it up with very cold water. Duke was still asleep and I walked over towards him tilting the big bucket.

"What the.."



"Oh that sounds wrong doesn't it?" He laughed.

"Very" I laughed which turned ugly.

"That wasn't nice" he pouted.

"Sorry 'dukey'"

"Oh shut up" he lightly pushed me and spilled water back at me with a smirk on his face.


"Revenge" he winked.

After that little funny moment, we decided to leave tomorrow since there's nothing else we could do here and school starts in a few days aswell. I packed stuff in my bags and so did duke but he did it very slow as it was 'difficult' to him.

"It's so easy!" I said confused.

"Too much effort aswell!!" he added.

"I think you're overreacting now"

"Uh no"

"Uh ye"

"Omg fine I'll try" he rolled his eyes.


What a silly cute person. I finished packing my bags and smiled at duke still doing that. I finally decided to help him and I was still confused on how he could not do this since he was older than me.

"Thank you!!" He hugged me tight, atleast i got a free hug from that!

"You're welcome lazy"

"Im not the only one"

"True true"

"I get to be your teacher again soon"

"Yeah so?"

"I see the way you look at me in english lessons, I know you're excited baby" he whispered in my ear.

"Oh shush" I giggled but I ended up blushing too.

"Well okay, tomato" he winked.

I nudged him hard but it turned to me kissing him in seconds. It wasn't a small kiss this time, it was... DAMN. Im sure you can get that from just one word which doesn't fully explain it.

"Hold on.. I got a text"

"Oh okay" I smiled

He looked at the phone which felt like forever and all he was doing was smiling alot which made me wonder who he is talking to.

"Who you talking to?" I said but I wasn't mad or anything.

"Oh um just my mum" he lied.

"Im not gonna be mad or anything"

"Okay, just that friend from the pub"

"Oh right.. What's her name?"


Suddenly, the alexa device came on and we both laughed but that soon changed for me as I felt jealous but he noticed and helped me to be calm again.

"I can show you the texts just to prove we aren't doing anything more"

"I believe you, I'm just scared which might be silly"

"Its not silly to me and you're never silly like that"


"Yes, Really." He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I could literally say the words 'I love you' to Duke so many times and never get bored of saying that. Why? Well because he just means everything to me and he's one of my favourite people in the world ever. If I ever lose him, then I'll lose myself that's why I get scared because of this Alexa person. He kissed my forehead and I rested my head on his shoulder just forgetting about the bad stuff. Whenever I'm with him, it feels like I can forget bad things. God I love you so much Duke Depp

Words: 840
Im glad I could get another chapter done especially as it takes me ages to do a single one because of my brain being dumb with words. 😃

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