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Every time he smiled it was like the cutest thing ever and It should not be a normal thing for me to be saying right now but he's just like those special stars in the sky that I saw last night. Not to mention aswell with the choice of clothing, damn that guy could do anything. We definitely lost track of time right now because the bell went off ages ago and Im not sure if I should start to worry or not. This does feel great but I really need to get going which is disappointing as I was enjoying this time with Duke.

"You are really good at basketball and everything but I really need to go to my class" I sighed.

"Oh yes, almost forgot. Let me save you from a detention you will get, ill come" he offered.

I smiled as he was so kind and it was really just all new since I suffered through really bad teachers all my life and this one is perfect. It was quiet in the hallways and I could already feel me being scared straight away but duke noticed and held me in his arms like before. I could stay like this for ages, his arms are making me feel safe and I dont hate it at all. He pulls away and carries on walking leaving me speechless and probably wanting more.

"Now where were you all this time?!" Says a moody woman.

"I-" I began to speak but duke stopped me.

"She helped me through something important, im so sorry"

"Hm okay.. I guess ill let you off then Maddie." She glared at me and Chills rushed through me.

"You're truely a lifesaver" I whispered

"I know ;)"

He left the class and I smiled forgetting I was in a class and making my way to the seat at the back. There wasn't much of this lesson left so I decided to not care about much of it and act like I was listening to the old woman. She really needs manners, no wonder everybody is scared of her. I drew random things on a piece of paper and laughed causing all heads to turn to me. Not again.

"What's so funny?"

"Something you said miss thats all.. I find you funny" clearly lying.

"Oh why thank you." She smiled and I was really weirded out since thats rare from her.

*skips lessons*

Time for a treat. But first let's see.. cheerleading hmm.. ah here is the sign up for it! ill give it a go even if the blondies do join, that wont stop me. I filled it out and finished the school day wanting to go somewhere with Ava. Thank god she isn't busy otherwise I would have to be stuck with a very chatty Sarah.

"How's your day been?" She asked.

"Better than yesterday, that sure was a journey"

"Mhm and today is getting even more better because of me now" she posed.

"Right okay" I laughed

We went to this cake store and it was really cute and very delicious. The service was extremely good and it was worth all of my money that I spent. I got some big cupcakes with cool decorations on and Ava got a chocolate fudge cake which did look good aswell causing me to think of also getting that in the end. More people should be in this store, its just wow! One bite and you would be flying because its that good.

"Thank you!" We both said as we exited the pretty place.

"A new favourite added to my list" said Ava.

"I couldn't disagree there" I grinned.

*notification sound: beeep*

I checked my phone and ended up with my hand over my mouth leading Ava really clueless. Is this even real?

Dukedepp_ sent you a message

"Is that the teacher-"

"No! Its someone else called Duke that I k-know" I stuttered.

"You're stuttering, you liarrrr" laughed Ava.

"I don't mind if you do text the teacher or something like its all cool"

"No he's never messaged me before"

"Oh wow"

I decided to wait until later to open Instagram and read it because it could be whatever for all I know since Ava is with me.

"I gotta go anyways because of my strict parents. Bye Maddie!" She began blowing me a kiss and I laughed doing it back.

My dad was watching football on the sofa and I could tell he was drunk as he swung the bottle around in his hands. The team he supported lost and he shouted loudly that I had to cover my ears because it was that bad.

"More now." He demanded and my mum looked tired.

"Is everything okay?" I asked looking at her.

"Its just dave.. he drank too many today and it just tired me out a bit from all the things he wanted"

I hugged her as she looked like she needed it badly. The hug didn't feel like anything I was hoping for like it did with me and Duke but it was good enough since my mum had a rough day. I tried calming my dad down but that failed as he grabbed my arm tight and I stood there shocked for what's about to happen and luckily he stopped.

"Give me another since I let you go"

I shook my head as he didn't deserve me doing that but he ended up slapping me out of nowhere and my face soon started to turn red. I ran upstairs with a tear flying down my red face and locked the door sitting on my bed with my arms around my legs.

"Maddie?" My mum knocked on the door a few times but I just ignored it as the pain started kicking in even more. You would be surprised, his slaps are real painful and that isn't a lie at all. I slowly turned on my phone and went on instagram going towards the messages. I clicked on the requested ones and a few appeared but I was mainly focused onto duke as he messaged me out of all these people.

I know I'm just a teacher to you and your my student but you are really great and fun to talk with. I would love to properly hang out with you and go somewhere one day, how does that sound? :) Its completely fine if not ❤️ Its only as a friendly way anyways for just helping me and that.

1088 words
Ooo 😳🤭

✨The teacher✨ // duke deppWhere stories live. Discover now